Gürbüz, HüseyinGönülaçar, Yunus Emre2021-11-172021-11-172020-07-05Gürbüz, H., Gönülaçar, Y.E. (2020). Optimization and evaluation of dry and minimum quantity lubricating methods on machinability of AISI 4140 using Taguchi design and ANOVA. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 235 (7), pp.1211-1227. DOI:https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/09544062209396090954-4062https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0954406220939609https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12402/4003In this work, it is aimed to study the effects of dry machining and minimum quantity lubrication application on machinability in turning AISI 4140 steel by utilizing different cutting parameters. Also, this study contains effects and optimization of cutting conditions (dry and minimum quantity lubricating), feed rate, and cutting speed on surface roughness (Ra) and main cutting forces (Fc) determined by employing the Taguchi method. At the end of experiments, it was established that compared to dry machining operations, minimum quantity lubricating significantly reduced cutting tool wear, while Fc and Ra decreased in general. Analyses of variance, regression analysis, signal-to-noise ratio, and orthogonal array were employed to analyze the effects and contributions of independent variables on dependent variables. The optimum levels of the dependent variables for reducing Fc and Ra using signal-to-noise rates were established. According to signal-to-noise ratios, minimum quantity lubricating had a more important effect on Fc and Ra than dry machining. The optimal conditions for Fc and Ra were at 0.16 mm/rev feed rate, 125 m/min cutting speed at minimum quantity lubricating. Analysis of variance results demonstrated that the feed rate is the most influential independent variable on Fc (93.976 %) and Ra (89.352 %). Validation test results exhibited that the Taguchi method and regression analysis were highly achieved methods in the optimization of independent variables for dependent variables. Taguchi optimization technique and regression analysis obtained from Fc (R2Tag. = 0.972 and R2Rag. = 0.997) and Ra (R2Tag. = 0.985 and R2Rag. = 0.996) measurements match really well with the experimental dataeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesMinimum Quantity Lubricating and Dry MachiningMachinability,Taguchi MethodANOVAOptimizationOptimization and evaluation of dry and minimum quantity lubricating methods on machinability of AISI 4140 using Taguchi design and ANOVATaguchi tasarımı ve ANOVA kullanılarak AISI 4140'ın işlenebilirliği üzerine kuru ve minimum miktarda yağlama yöntemlerinin optimizasyonu ve değerlendirilmesiArticle235712111227Q2Q3