Işık, Mehmet ZerrakkiArgunhan, ZekiYıldız, Cengiz2021-11-192021-11-192011Işık, M.Z., Argunhan, Z., Yıldız, C. (2011). Konsantrik boru tip ısı değiştiricilerinde türbülatörlerin kanat delik geometrisinin ısı transferine ve basınç düşüşüne etkisi. 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’11), 16-18 Mayıs 2011, Elazığhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12402/4031The effect of wing hole geometry of the vortex generator on heat transfer and pressure drop in concentric tube type heat exchangers has been investigated in this study.For experiments, two type of hole geometrywereselected.One has four rectengular hole with 2x7mm in dimension andthe other four circular hole with 5mm in diameter andapplied for 55-65-75-90 degree blade angles. Turbulator diameter is 60 mm and includes 6 blades. Air was used as hot stream, whereas water as cold stream. Experimental results were scrutinized.Heat transfer and pressure drop werefound high with usage of circular holes geometry.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesConcentric Heat ExchangerTurbulatorHeat TransferPressure DropKonsantrik boru tip ısı değiştiricilerinde türbülatörlerin kanat delik geometrisinin ısı transferine ve basınç düşüşüne etkisiThe Effect of Wing Holes Geometry of the Vortex Generator on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Concentric Tube Type Heat ExchangersConference Object