Batman yöresine ait tandır ekmeği’nin mor meyve ve sebzeler ile etkileşimi sonucu ağır metal ve toplam fenolik madde miktarının belirlenmesi
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Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmada, Batman yöresine ait tandır ekmeği’nin; Kara dut(morus nigra), kırmızı pancar(Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris. var. conditiva), siyah havuç( Dausucus carota ssp. Var. Atrorubens Alef.), mürdüm erik kabuğu (Prunus) ve kırmızı lahana(Brassica oleracea var. Capitata f.rubra) gibi mor meyve ve sebzeler ile etkileşimi araştırılmıştır. Beş’er çeşit meyve ve sebzeden mor un ve beyaz un ile tandır ekmekleri üretilerek, bu tandır ekmeklerinin ağır metal ve toplam fenolik madde miktarı tespit edilmiştir. Mor tandır ekmeklerin de Arsenik (As), Kadmiyum (Cd), Civa (Hg), Bakır (Cu), Demir (Fe) ve Kurşun (Pb) gibi ağır metaller indüktif eşleşmiş plazma optik emisyon spektrometre (ICP-OES) cihazıyla tayin edilerek, bu tandır ekmeklerinin ağır metal içerikleri daha önce standart olarak JECFA tarafından belirlenen ağır metal değerleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır.Örneğin, Demir(Fe) miktarı 4,84±0,045 mg/kg olup, JECFA tarafından vücuda alımı haftalık kabul edilebilir miktarı ise 0,2-25 mg/kg olarak belirlenmiştir.Ölçülen tüm elementler için bu değerler hesaplanmış olup, JECFA değerleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır.Ayrıca kalitatif ve kantitatif analizlerde yaygın bir biçimde kullanılan ve ölçüm güvenilirliğinin oldukça yüksek olduğu bilimsel olarak teyit edilmiş olan, LC-MS/MS cihazı kullanılarak fenolik bileşikler ölçülmüştür.Bu ölçümlerde mor tandır ekmeklerinin fitokimyasal özellikleri belirlenerek,53 fenolik bileşiğin analizi sonucunda, mor tandır ekmeklerinde 14 adet fenolik bileşiğin mevcut olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Bu bileşiklerden bazıları Qunic acid, protocatechuic acid, protocatechuic aldehyde ve chlorogenic acid şeklindedir.Qunic acid bileşiği miktar olarak en yüksek 5,92 mg analit/g ekstrat mürdüm erik kabuğu -beyaz un numunesinde gözlemlenirken, en düşük 0,315 mg analit/g ekstrat kırmızı lahana- beyaz un numunesinde tespit edilmiştir. Protocatechuic acid bileşiği miktar olarak en yüksek 1,074 mg analit/g ekstrat endüstriyel olarak satın alınan ekmek numunesinde gözlemlenirken, en düşük 0,051 mg analit/g ekstrat siyah havuç-beyaz un numunesinde tespit edilmiştir. Chlorogenic acid bileşiği miktar olarak en yüksek 0,568 mg analit/g ekstrat endüstriyel olarak satın alınan ekmek numunesinde gözlemlenirken, en düşük 0,015 mg analit/g ekstrat siyah havuç-beyaz un numunesinde tespit edilmiştir.Siyah havuç ve kırmızı lahana sebzeleri analizi yapılan diğer meyve ve sebzelerle karşılaştırıldığında fenolik bileşik madde miktarlarının daha düşük seviyelerde olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
In this study, the tandoori bread of Batman region; Black Mulbery (morus nigra), Red Beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. Vulgaris var. condivita) , Black Carrot ( Dausucus carota ssp. Var. Atrorubens Alef. ), Prunus Bark (Prunus) and Red Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata f.rubra), The interaction with purple fruits and vegetables such as was investigated.Tandoori breads were produced from five kinds of fruits and vegetables, purple flour and White flour. The heavy metal and total phenolic content of the tandoori breads produced were determined. Heavy metals such as Arsenic(As), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg),Copper(Cu), Iron(Fe) and Lead (Pb) in purple tandoori breads were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) device. The determined tandoori breads were compared according to the heavy metal amounts determined by JECFA. It was measured as 4,84±0,045 mg/kg for the element iron (Fe) and the weekly tolerable amount determined as 0,2-25 mg/kg by JECFA. These values were calculated for all other elements, and it was determined that the values obtained during this work were in accordance with the tolerable amount. In this thesis study, measurements were made using the LC-MS/MS device,which is widely used in qualitative and quantitative analysis and whose reliable results have been confirmed by scientific data. The phytochemical properties of purple tandoori breads weredetermined and the amount of 53 phenolic. compounds was investigated. It was determined that therewere,14 phenolic compounds in purple tandoori breads. It was observed that quinic acid, protocatechuic acid, protocatechuic aldehyde and chlorogenic acid phenolic compounds were present in all purple tandoori bread samples. The highest amount of quinic acid phenolic compound was observed in 5,92 mg analyte/ g extract damson plum peel-white flour sample,while the lowest 0,315 mg analyte/ g extract red cabbage-white flour sample was detected.The highest amount of protocatechuic acid phenolic compound was observed in the industrially purchased bread sample of 1,074 mg analyte/ g extract, while the lowest 0,051 mg analyte/ g extract was detecded in the black carrot-white flour sample. The highest amount of chlorogenic acid phenolic compound was observed in 0,568 mg analyte/ g extract industrially purchased bread sample, while the lowest 0,015 mg analyte/ g extract was detecded in the black carrot-white flour sample.It was determined that the amount of phenolic substances was low in black carrot and red cabbage vegatables which compared to other fruit and vegatable varieties analyzed.
In this study, the tandoori bread of Batman region; Black Mulbery (morus nigra), Red Beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. Vulgaris var. condivita) , Black Carrot ( Dausucus carota ssp. Var. Atrorubens Alef. ), Prunus Bark (Prunus) and Red Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata f.rubra), The interaction with purple fruits and vegetables such as was investigated.Tandoori breads were produced from five kinds of fruits and vegetables, purple flour and White flour. The heavy metal and total phenolic content of the tandoori breads produced were determined. Heavy metals such as Arsenic(As), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury (Hg),Copper(Cu), Iron(Fe) and Lead (Pb) in purple tandoori breads were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) device. The determined tandoori breads were compared according to the heavy metal amounts determined by JECFA. It was measured as 4,84±0,045 mg/kg for the element iron (Fe) and the weekly tolerable amount determined as 0,2-25 mg/kg by JECFA. These values were calculated for all other elements, and it was determined that the values obtained during this work were in accordance with the tolerable amount. In this thesis study, measurements were made using the LC-MS/MS device,which is widely used in qualitative and quantitative analysis and whose reliable results have been confirmed by scientific data. The phytochemical properties of purple tandoori breads weredetermined and the amount of 53 phenolic. compounds was investigated. It was determined that therewere,14 phenolic compounds in purple tandoori breads. It was observed that quinic acid, protocatechuic acid, protocatechuic aldehyde and chlorogenic acid phenolic compounds were present in all purple tandoori bread samples. The highest amount of quinic acid phenolic compound was observed in 5,92 mg analyte/ g extract damson plum peel-white flour sample,while the lowest 0,315 mg analyte/ g extract red cabbage-white flour sample was detected.The highest amount of protocatechuic acid phenolic compound was observed in the industrially purchased bread sample of 1,074 mg analyte/ g extract, while the lowest 0,051 mg analyte/ g extract was detecded in the black carrot-white flour sample. The highest amount of chlorogenic acid phenolic compound was observed in 0,568 mg analyte/ g extract industrially purchased bread sample, while the lowest 0,015 mg analyte/ g extract was detecded in the black carrot-white flour sample.It was determined that the amount of phenolic substances was low in black carrot and red cabbage vegatables which compared to other fruit and vegatable varieties analyzed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ağır Metaller, Fenolik Bileşikler, Fitakimyasallar, Antosiyaninler, Heavy Metals, Phenolic Compounds, Phytochemicals, Anthocyanins
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Cengiz Omay, İ. (2022). Batman yöresine ait tandır ekmeği’nin mor meyve ve sebzeler ile etkileşimi sonucu ağır metal ve toplam fenolik madde miktarının belirlenmesi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Batman.