Potasyum permanganat (KMnO4) katkılı atık bitkisel yağlardan elde edilen biyoyakıt ile dizel yakıt karışımlarının bir araştırma motorunda kullanılması
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Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States
Bu çalışmada, referans dizel yakıtı ve atık bitkisel yağlardan elde edilmiş biyodizel yakıtı belirli
oranlarda karıştırıldıktan sonra hazırlanan yakıtların ikisine fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerini iyileştirmek
amacıyla 100 ml yakıta 1,51 mg miktarında potasyum permanganat çözeltisi (KMnO4) katkı olarak
eklenmiştir. Bu yakıtlar B0 (dizel yakıt), B12 (%12bitkisel biyodizel ve %88 dizel yakıtı), B24
(%24bitkisel biyodizel ve %76 dizel yakıtı), PMB12 (%12bitkisel biyodizel, %88 dizel yakıtı ve KMnO4
katkısı) ve PMB24 (%24 bitkisel biyodizel, %76 dizel yakıtı ve KMnO4 katkısı) biçiminde hazırlandıktan
sonra fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Deney yakıtlarına katılan katkı maddesi (KMnO4)
PMB12 yakıtının setan indeksini PMB24 yakıtında ise ısıl değerde artış sağlamıştır. Deney yakıtları Edyy
Current dinometreli bir dizel motorda %0, %10,%15 ve %20 yüklerde test edilmiş ve motor yanma ile
emisyon karakteristikleri incelenmiştir. Deney verileri incelendiğinde; test yakıtlarının silindir gaz
basınçları tüm yükler için yakın değerde olup motor yükünün artmasıyla karışım yakıtların gaz basıncının
arttığı ve KMnO4 katkılı karışımlı yakıtlara göre daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Ortalama gaz sıcaklığı,
basınç artış oranı, net ısı salınımı ve kümülatif ısı salınımı gibi verilerde biyodizel karışımlı ve KMnO4
katkılı yakıtların dizel yakıta göre daha yüksek değerde olduğu görülmüştür. Özgül yakıt tüketim
değerinin %0-0kg yük için karışımlı yakıtların dizel yakıta göre %22,64 oranında artmış, %20-10kg yükte
ise %9,37 oranında artış olmuştur. Ortalama efektif basınç değeri de dizel yakıtta en yüksek 373,05 kPa,
karışımlı yakıtta da 372,57 kPa olarak yakın değerlerde ölçülmüştür. Emisyon verileri incelendiğinde ise
NOX emisyon değerlerinin karışımlı yakıtlarda dizel yakıtına göre daha fazla olduğu görülmüştür.
In this study, 1,51mg potassium permanganate solution (KMnO4) was added to 100 ml of fuel in order to improve the physical and chemical properties of the two prepared fuels after mixing the reference diesel fuel and the biodiesel fuel obtained from waste vegetable oils in certain proportions. These fuels are B0 (diesel fuel), B12 (12% vegetable biodiesel and 88% diesel fuel), B24 (24% vegetable biodiesel and 76% diesel fuel), PMB12 (12% vegetable biodiesel, 88% diesel fuel and KMnO4 additive) and PMB24 ( After it was prepared in the form of 24% vegetable biodiesel, 76% diesel fuel and KMnO4 additive), its physical and chemical properties were determined. The additive (KMnO4) added to the experimental fuels increased the cetane index of PMB12 fuel and the heating value of PMB24 fuel. Experimental fuels were tested in a diesel engine with Edyy Current dynamometer at 0%, 10%, 15% and 20% loads and engine combustion and emission characteristics were investigated. When the experimental data are examined; Cylinder gas pressures of the test fuels are close for all loads, and it has been observed that the gas pressure of the mixed fuels increases with the increase of the engine load and is higher than the mixed fuels with KMnO4 additives. In data such as average gas temperature, pressure increase rate, net heat release and cumulative heat release, it was seen that biodiesel blended and KMnO4 added fuels had higher values than diesel fuel. The specific fuel consumption value of the blended fuels increased by 22.64% for 0-0kg load, compared to diesel fuel, while there was an increase of 9.37% at 20-10kg load. The average effective pressure value was measured as 373.05 kPa in diesel fuel and 372.57 kPa in mixed fuel. When the emission data were examined, it was observed that the NOX emission values were higher in blended fuels than in diesel fuel.
In this study, 1,51mg potassium permanganate solution (KMnO4) was added to 100 ml of fuel in order to improve the physical and chemical properties of the two prepared fuels after mixing the reference diesel fuel and the biodiesel fuel obtained from waste vegetable oils in certain proportions. These fuels are B0 (diesel fuel), B12 (12% vegetable biodiesel and 88% diesel fuel), B24 (24% vegetable biodiesel and 76% diesel fuel), PMB12 (12% vegetable biodiesel, 88% diesel fuel and KMnO4 additive) and PMB24 ( After it was prepared in the form of 24% vegetable biodiesel, 76% diesel fuel and KMnO4 additive), its physical and chemical properties were determined. The additive (KMnO4) added to the experimental fuels increased the cetane index of PMB12 fuel and the heating value of PMB24 fuel. Experimental fuels were tested in a diesel engine with Edyy Current dynamometer at 0%, 10%, 15% and 20% loads and engine combustion and emission characteristics were investigated. When the experimental data are examined; Cylinder gas pressures of the test fuels are close for all loads, and it has been observed that the gas pressure of the mixed fuels increases with the increase of the engine load and is higher than the mixed fuels with KMnO4 additives. In data such as average gas temperature, pressure increase rate, net heat release and cumulative heat release, it was seen that biodiesel blended and KMnO4 added fuels had higher values than diesel fuel. The specific fuel consumption value of the blended fuels increased by 22.64% for 0-0kg load, compared to diesel fuel, while there was an increase of 9.37% at 20-10kg load. The average effective pressure value was measured as 373.05 kPa in diesel fuel and 372.57 kPa in mixed fuel. When the emission data were examined, it was observed that the NOX emission values were higher in blended fuels than in diesel fuel.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Atık Bitkisel Biyoyakıt, Dizel Motor, KMnO4 Katkısı, Performans, Yanma, Combustion, Diesel Engine, KMnO4 Additive, Performance, Waste Vegetable Biofuel
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Sütcü, D. (2021). Potasyum permanganat (KMnO4) katkılı atık bitkisel yağlardan elde edilen biyoyakıt ile dizel yakıt karışımlarının bir araştırma motorunda kullanılması. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Batman.