Toz faktörünün fotovoltaik panellerin verimi üzerindeki etkisinin araştırılması: Batman örneği
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Batman Üniversitesi
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Fotovoltaik hücreler, güneş enerjisini elektrik enerjisine dönüştüren sistemlerin en temel bileşenleridir. Bu hücrelerin bir araya getirilmesiyle oluşturulan fotovoltaik panellerin enerji dönüştürme miktarını en çok etkileyen parametre, panel yüzeylerinin maruz kaldığı ışınım değeridir. Fotovoltaik sistemler, güneşten yeryüzüne gelen ışınımdan azami derecede faydalanmak üzere, genellikle güneşlenme süresi ve ışınım miktarı bakımından yeterli olarak bilinen güneş bandı bölgelerinde tesis edilirler. Açık hava şartlarında çalışan bu sistemler her türlü çevresel olumsuzlukla karşı karşıyadır. Fotovoltaik sistemlerin verimi üzerindeki en önemli faktörlerden biri de, panel yüzeyinde oluşan tozlanmadır. Çeşitli etkenlerle havada bulunan tozların zamanla panel yüzeyini kaplaması, hücrelere ulaşan ışınım miktarını azaltmaktadır. Işınımın azalmasıyla meydana gelen enerji dönüşüm oranındaki kayıplar önemli değerlere ulaşabilmektedir. Tozlanma eğilimi, bu sistemlerin kurulduğu bölgenin hava sıcaklığı, nem miktarı, rüzgâr rejimi, toprak yapısı ve bitki örtüsüne göre değişmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Batman ilinde tozlanmanın panel verimi üzerindeki etkisini araştırmak üzere deneysel bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmada, temiz bir fotovoltaik panel ile yüzeyinde 5 günlük, 1 aylık ve 6 aylık toz biriken bir fotovoltaik panelin ürettiği enerji değerleri ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen verilere göre, temiz panele kıyasla 5 günlük tozlanmaya maruz kalan panel %5,26; 1 aylık tozlanmaya maruz kalan panel %28,49 ve 6 aylık tozlanmaya maruz kalan panel %78,38 daha az enerji üretmiştir. Elde edilen verilerle yapılan hesaplamalar, grafikler ve tablolar halinde sunulmuştur.
Photovoltaic cells are the most basic components of systems that convert solar energy into electrical energy. The parameter that most affects the energy conversion amount of the photovoltaic panels formed by combining these cells is the radiation value to which the panel surfaces are exposed. Photovoltaic systems are generally installed in sunbelt regions known as sufficient in terms of sunshine duration and amount of radiation in order to make maximum use of the radiation coming from the sun to the earth. These systems, which operate in outdoor conditions, are faced with all kinds of environmental negativities. One of the most important factors on the efficiency of photovoltaic systems is accumulation of dust on the panel surface. Due to various factors, dust in the air covers the panel surface over time, reducing the amount of radiation reaching the cells. The losses in the energy conversion rate that occur by the reduction of radiation can reach significant values. Accumulation of dust tendency on solar panel varies according to the air temperature, humidity, wind regime, soil structure and vegetation of the region where these systems are installed. In this study, an experimental study was conducted to investigate the effect of dust accumulation on photovoltaic panel yield in Batman province. In the experimental study, the energy values produced by a clean photovoltaic panel and a photovoltaic panel with dust accumulation for 5 days, 1 month and 6 months on its surface were measured. According to the data obtained, compared to the clean panel, the panel with 5-day dust accumulated 5.26%, the panel with 1-month dust accumulated 28.49% and the panel with 6-month dust accumulated 78.38% less energy production. Calculations made with the obtained data are presented in graphs and tables.
Photovoltaic cells are the most basic components of systems that convert solar energy into electrical energy. The parameter that most affects the energy conversion amount of the photovoltaic panels formed by combining these cells is the radiation value to which the panel surfaces are exposed. Photovoltaic systems are generally installed in sunbelt regions known as sufficient in terms of sunshine duration and amount of radiation in order to make maximum use of the radiation coming from the sun to the earth. These systems, which operate in outdoor conditions, are faced with all kinds of environmental negativities. One of the most important factors on the efficiency of photovoltaic systems is accumulation of dust on the panel surface. Due to various factors, dust in the air covers the panel surface over time, reducing the amount of radiation reaching the cells. The losses in the energy conversion rate that occur by the reduction of radiation can reach significant values. Accumulation of dust tendency on solar panel varies according to the air temperature, humidity, wind regime, soil structure and vegetation of the region where these systems are installed. In this study, an experimental study was conducted to investigate the effect of dust accumulation on photovoltaic panel yield in Batman province. In the experimental study, the energy values produced by a clean photovoltaic panel and a photovoltaic panel with dust accumulation for 5 days, 1 month and 6 months on its surface were measured. According to the data obtained, compared to the clean panel, the panel with 5-day dust accumulated 5.26%, the panel with 1-month dust accumulated 28.49% and the panel with 6-month dust accumulated 78.38% less energy production. Calculations made with the obtained data are presented in graphs and tables.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fotovoltaik Hücreler, Yenilenebilir Enerji, Toz Faktörü
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kayri, İ., Tan Bayar, M. (2021). Toz faktörünün fotovoltaik panellerin verimi üzerindeki etkisinin araştırılması: Batman örneği. Uluslararası Mühendislik, Doğa ve Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu (ISENS 2021), pp. (88-96), 25 – 28 Kasım 2021, Batman, Türkiye.