Batman Üniversitesi, Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, Kimya ve Kimyasal İşleme Teknolojileri Bölümü, Bildiri Metinleri Koleksiyonu

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Güncel Gönderiler

Listeleniyor 1 - 11 / 11
  • Öğe
    New nitroaromatic esters derived from salicylaldehyde: Synthesis and characterization
    (Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti, 2017) Dağ, Beşir; Yaşar, Fevzi; Çakmak, Reşit
  • Öğe
    New schiff base ligand derived from 4-aminoantipyrine: Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization
    (Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti, 2017) Dağ, Beşir; Yaşar, Fevzi; Çakmak, Reşit
  • Öğe
    Synthesis characterization and using some of schiff base ligands derived from 4 aminoantipyrine as an inhibitor
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2017) Dağ, Beşir; Yaşar, Fevzi; Kızılkaya, Hakan
    Schiff bases and their complexes are widely studied because of the increasing recognition of their role in biological systems. In azo methine derivatives, the C=N linkage is essential for biological activity; several azomethines were reported to possess remarkable antibacterial and antifungal, anticancer. With the increasing incidence of deep mycosis, there has been increasing emphasis on the screening of new and more effective antimicrobial drugs with low toxicity. These compounds were recently found to have significant antitumor and biological activity. Antipyrine derivatives are reported to exhibit analgesic and antiinflammatory effects, antiviral, antibacterial, and herbicidal activities, and have also been used as hair color additives and to potentiate the local anesthetic effect of Lidocaine. Transition metal complexes with ligands derived from 4-aminoantipyrine have significant biological activity. This prompted us to synthesize a new series of heterocyclic Schiff bases containing the antipyrinyl moiety. The present study reports synthesis and charaterization of Schiff bases derived from 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-(N-2 hydroxybenzylidene)-3- pyrazolin-5-one and 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-(N-2-hydroxynaphthylidene)-3-pyrazolin-5- one with 5-aminoisophtlalic acid [1-2]. These compounds were synthesized in high yield and characterized by SEM, FT–IR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR.
  • Öğe
    Synthesis, characterization of novel some schiff base ligands derived from 4-aminoantipyrine
    (Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti, 2017) Dağ, Beşir; Yaşar, Fevzi; Çakmak, Reşit
  • Öğe
    Preparation, characterization of novel some schiff base ligands derived from 4-aminoantipyrine as a potential corrosion inhibitor
    (Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti, 2017) Dağ, Beşir; Yaşar, Fevzi; Çakmak, Reşit
  • Öğe
    Design, synthesis, and spectral characterization of schiff bases derived from 4-aminoantipyrine
    (Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti, 2017) Dağ, Beşir; Yaşar, Fevzi; Çakmak, Reşit
  • Öğe
    The amide derivatives of L-tyrosine: Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization
    (Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti, 2017) Dağ, Beşir; Yaşar, Fevzi; Çakmak, Reşit
  • Öğe
    Katyonik sürfaktan madde varlığında bizmut film elektrot kullanarak desloratadinin elektrokimyasal olarak indirgenmesi: Lineer taramalı sıyırma voltametrisi ile ilaç ve idrar numunelerine uygulanması
    (BioTechBioChem, 2020) Altunkaynak, Yalçın; Önal, Günay; Levent, Abdulkadir
    Histamin, mide salgısının güçlü bir uyarıcısı olan biyolojik bir amin olup etkili bir nörotransmitterdir[1]. Literatürde biyolojik sıvı ve ilaç şekillerinde desloratadin (DESL) analizi için önerilen elektrokimyasal yöntemlerin temel alındığı teknikleri kullanıldığı birkaç çalışma vardır[2-6]. Bu çalışmada, ikinci nesil antihistaminikler grubundan olan DESL’nin elektrokimyasal özellikleri, Bizmut Film eleketrot (BİFE) kullanılarak sulu ve sulu/yüzey aktif madde çözeltilerinde gerçekleştirildi. Bu bileşik dönüşümlü voltametri ile yaklaşık -1.65 V da tersinmez ve adsorpsiyon kontrollü bir indirgenme piki göstermiştir. Katyonik yüzey aktif madde (setiltrimetilamonyum bromür, CTAB) ilavesinin desloratadinin indirgeme akım sinyalini arttırdığı, anyonik (sodyum dodesilsülfat, SDS) ve iyonik olmayan (Tween 80) yüzey aktif maddelerinin ise ters etki sergilediği bulundu. Linear taramalı adsorptif sıyırma voltametrisi kullanılarak akım, 5 mM CTAB içeren BrittonRobinson tamponunda, pH 8.0'de 0.1 ile 4 µM derişim aralığında doğrusal bir bağıntı göstermiştir(Şekil 1). Şekil 1. 0.1- 4 μM derişim aralığında BR tampon( pH 8.0 / 5 mM CTAB içeren) ortamında lineer taramalı sıyırma voltametri eğrileri Bu çalışmada geliştirilen yöntem, farmasötik preparatlarda ve idrar örneklerinde herhangi bir ayırma işlemi yapılmadan DESL analizi için başarılı bir şekilde uygulanmıştır.
  • Öğe
    Electrochemical oxidation of vildagliptin on pencil graphite electrode: Extremely sensitive determination in drugs and human urine with square wave voltammetry
    (ICNTC, 2020) Altunkaynak, Yalçın; Yavuz, Ömer; Levent, Abdulkadir
    Vildagliptin (VLDG), one of the antidiabetic agents, is a dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor. It is a drug developed for oral administration[1]. In the literature, there is only one study in which electrochemical methods were used for the analysis of Vildagliptin in biological fluid and drug forms[2]. In this study, the electrochemical properties of VLDG, which is one of the drugs used as an antidiabetic agent, were determined by using pencil graphite electrode in phosphate buffer solution (PBS/pH 9.0). The irreversible and diffusion controlled adsorption oxidation peak was measured by cyclic voltammetry at approximately +1.13 V for this compound. Using square wave stripping voltammetry, the current showed a linear correlation in PBS buffer at pH 9.0, with a concentration range of 2.94 to 49.98 µM. At a concentration of 2.94 µM (n=9), the limit of detection of 8.20 nM (2.48 ng mL-1 ) and a relative standard deviation of 2.95 % were calculated. This method was successfully applied for VLDG analysis without any separation in pharmaceutical preparations and urine samples
  • Öğe
    New voltammetric strategy for determination and electrochemical behaviors of metformin by pencil graphite electrode
    (ICNTC, 2020) Altunkaynak, Yalçın; Yavuz, Ömer; Levent, Abdulkadir
    Metformin(MET), an oral antidiabetic drug commonly used in the treatment of diabetes, is a drug that increases insulin sensitivity in the biguanide group [1]. MET shows its pharmacological effect by lowering the glucose level in the blood. In the literature research, there are studies using electrochemical techniques for the analysis of MET in biological fluid and drug forms[1-6]. In this study, the electrochemical properties of MET, one of the drugs used in the treatment of diabetes, were performed using a pencil graphite electrode in NaOH (0.1 M) solution. This compound was recorded with an irreversible and diffusion controlled adsorption oxidation peak at approximately +1.28 V by cyclic voltammetry. With square wave stripping voltammetry, it was observed that the peak current signals of MET in the concentration range of 2.76-24.8 µM in 0.1M NaOH solution increased linearly. At a concentration of 2.76 µM (n = 9), the limit of detection and relative standard deviation were calculated as 9.03 nM (1.495 ngmL-1 ) and 3.25 %, respectively. This method has been successfully applied for MET analysis in pharmaceutical preparations and urine samples without any separation.
  • Öğe
    Application of bismuth film electrode in determination of Loratadine by cathodic stripping voltammetry in the presence of cationic surfactant
    (ICNTC, 2020) Önal, Günay; Altunkaynak, Yalçın; Levent, Abdulkadir
    Loratadine, histamine - H1 antihistamine receptors it is being used for many years in the treatment of an allergic condition illustrating the effects on[1]. When the literature is reviewed, there are limited number of studies on Loratadine based on electrochemistry [2-5]. Stripping voltammetry is a very sensitive and selective method for determining drugs and organic / inorganic substances in biological fluids. The electrochemical behavior of Loratadine with BiFE in different supporting electrolyte and pH values, and its performance characteristics in electroanalytical determinations were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and linear sweep cathodic stripping voltammetry (LS-CSV) methods. LS-CSV measurements on the BiFE surface of 6.5x10-4 M Loratadine in 0.04 M BR buffer (pH 7.0) and 4 mM cationic surfactant (CTAB) were taken between 0.0 V and -2.0 V. Loratadine gave a voltammetric response about at -1.486 V. The limit of detection was found LOD = 1.2x10-7 M* at the BIFE surface at liner concentration range [1.305x10-6 M – 14.3x10-6 M, r = 0,998* (n = 11)]. This voltammetric method, developed under optimum conditions, has been successfully applied to pharmaceutical formulations of Loratadin as fast, easy to apply, sensitive and environmentally friendly.