Mesaj odaklı tefsir ve Kur’ân kültürünü topluma ulaştırmadaki rolü: Ali Küçük örneği
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Batman Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fakültesi
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Tarihsel süreç içerisinde Kur’ân ayetlerini
yorumlamada çok farklı yaklaşımlar gelişmiştir.
İslam’ın ilk dönemlerinde, önceleri daha çok
rivayetlere dayalı tefsir yöntemleri öne çıkarken
daha sonra Arap diline ve aklî çıkarımlara dayalı
yorumlama yöntemleri gelişmiş, lügavî, fıkhî,
kelâmî, işâri, mezhebî, edebî, felsefî vb. tefsir
yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. Yakın dönemde ise
içtimaî tefsir, bilimsel tefsir, psikolojik tefsir, konulu
tefsir vb. yöntemler de gündeme gelmiştir. Ancak
son asırda bazı müelliflerce uygulandığı halde çok
fazla üzerinde durulmamış olan bir tefsir yöntemi de
“mesaj odaklı tefsir” diye tabir edebileceğimiz
yöntemdir. Bu yöntem, hâlihazırda tam anlamıyla
müstakil bir tefsir türü olarak gündeme getirilmemiş
ve derinlemesine irdelenmemiş olsa da son asırda
telif edilen bazı eserlerde kendini göstermektedir.
İbn Âşûr’un et-Tahrîr ve’t-Tenvîr’i, Muhammed
Abduh ve Reşid Rıza’nın Tefsiru’l-Menar’ı, Seyyid
Kutub’un Fî Zilâli’l-Kur’ân’ı, Said Havva’nın el-Esâs
fi’t-Tefsir’i, Abdurrahman Habenneke’nin
Me‘âricu’t-Tefekkür’ü, Mevdûdî’nin Tefhîmu’lKur’ân’ı ve Muhammed Esed’in Kur’ân Mesaj’ı bu
eserler arasında sayılabilir. Kur’ân mesajlarının iyi
anlaşılması ve topluma ulaştırılmasında çok önemli
bir rolü bulunan bu yöntemin en güzel
örneklerinden biri de Ali Küçük’ün Besâiru’l-Kur’ân
adlı eseridir. Bu makalede, Ali Küçük’ün tefsiri
bağlamında mesaj odaklı tefsirin mahiyeti, önemi ve
Kur’ân kültürünü topluma iletmedeki rolü ortaya
konmaya çalışılmış, söz konusu eserden örnek
mahiyetinde bazı uzun alıntılar yapılarak metodun
mahiyeti yansıtılmaya gayret edilmiştir
In historical process, many different approaches in interpretation of Qur’anic verses have appeared. During the early days of Islam, while Tafsîr methods came forefront mostly based on narrations before, in later periods, interpretation methods based on Arabic and rational inferences developed and Tafsîr methods of grammarly, fiqhî, kalamî, isharî, sectarian, literary, philosophical etc. were practised. On the other hand, in recent century, social, scientific, psychological, topical Tafsîr methods have been on the agenda. Thus, the Tafsîr method, which was not emphasized much till then, though practised by some exegetes, became a method named as “message-oriented Tafsîr”. Although this method has not been brought to the agenda and emphasized deeply as a completely detached Tafsîr for the time being, it can be seen in some exegeses which have been compiled in recent century. The works such as at-Tahrîr ve’t-Tenvîr by Ibn Âshûr; Tefsiru’l-Menar by Mohammad Abduh and Rashid Rida; Fî Zilâli’l Qur’an by Sayyid Qutb; al-Esâs fî-t-Tefsir by Said Havva; Me’âriuc’tTefekkür by Abdurrahman Habenneke; Tefhîmu’lQur’an by Mevdudî and Qur’an Mesaj’ı (Qur’anic Message) by Muhammed Asad can be mentioned as some of them. One of the most beautiful examples of these works having an important role in making the message of Qur’an be understood clearly, and conveying it to community is the work of Ali Küçük named as Besâiru’l-Qur’an. In this study, within the context of Tafsîr by Ali Küçük, it was tried to reveal the character and importance of message-oriented Tafsîr, and its role in transferring the Qur’anic culture to community; and while doing this, due to the nature of the study, some long citations were made from the before mentioned work.
In historical process, many different approaches in interpretation of Qur’anic verses have appeared. During the early days of Islam, while Tafsîr methods came forefront mostly based on narrations before, in later periods, interpretation methods based on Arabic and rational inferences developed and Tafsîr methods of grammarly, fiqhî, kalamî, isharî, sectarian, literary, philosophical etc. were practised. On the other hand, in recent century, social, scientific, psychological, topical Tafsîr methods have been on the agenda. Thus, the Tafsîr method, which was not emphasized much till then, though practised by some exegetes, became a method named as “message-oriented Tafsîr”. Although this method has not been brought to the agenda and emphasized deeply as a completely detached Tafsîr for the time being, it can be seen in some exegeses which have been compiled in recent century. The works such as at-Tahrîr ve’t-Tenvîr by Ibn Âshûr; Tefsiru’l-Menar by Mohammad Abduh and Rashid Rida; Fî Zilâli’l Qur’an by Sayyid Qutb; al-Esâs fî-t-Tefsir by Said Havva; Me’âriuc’tTefekkür by Abdurrahman Habenneke; Tefhîmu’lQur’an by Mevdudî and Qur’an Mesaj’ı (Qur’anic Message) by Muhammed Asad can be mentioned as some of them. One of the most beautiful examples of these works having an important role in making the message of Qur’an be understood clearly, and conveying it to community is the work of Ali Küçük named as Besâiru’l-Qur’an. In this study, within the context of Tafsîr by Ali Küçük, it was tried to reveal the character and importance of message-oriented Tafsîr, and its role in transferring the Qur’anic culture to community; and while doing this, due to the nature of the study, some long citations were made from the before mentioned work.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tefsir, Mesaj Odaklı Tefsir, Ali Küçük, Besâiru’l-Kur’ân, Kur’ân Kültürü, Tafsîr, Message-Oriented Tafsîr, Besâiru’l-Qur’an, Qur’anic Culture
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Akbaş, A. (2020). Mesaj odaklı tefsir ve Kur’ân kültürünü topluma ulaştırmadaki rolü: Ali Küçük örneği. Batman Akademi Dergisi, 4 (2), ss. 26-44.