İslâm hukukunda teravih namazının hükmü ve rekât sayısı
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Batman Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
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Nafile namazlardan biri de teravihtir. Teravih Ramazan ayının gecelerinde
kılınan bir namazdır. Teravihin meşruiyeti hem kavli hem de fiili sünnete dayanmaktadır. Hz. Peygamber kılınmasını teşvik etmiş, kendisi de birkaç gece camide
kılmış, ancak farz olur korkusundan dolayı kılmasına devam etmemiştir. Hadislerin zahirine göre Hz. Peygamber döneminde belli bir formata bağlanmamış, miktarı
da serbest bırakılmıştır. Kimisi tek başına kılarken, bazıları da gruplar halinde
cemaat ile kılmışlardır. Daha sonra Hz. Ömer’in hilafeti döneminde belli bir formata kavuşturulmuş; miktarı 20 rekât olarak belirlenmiş, teravih kıldırmak için bir
imam tayin edilerek cemaat ile kılınması sağlanmıştır. Sünnet ile sabit olup Hulefâ-i
Raşidin döneminde de kılınmasına devam edildiğinde İslâm hukukçuları sünnet
oluşu konusunda icma etmiş durumdadır. Teravihin amacı Ramazan’ın gecelerini
ihya etmek olduğundan Hz. Peygamber ve ashap döneminde kıraati uzatılarak
gecenin önemli bir bölümü namaz ile ihya ediliyordu. Teravih namazının sünnet
oluşu ve rekât sayısıyla alakalı birtakım tartışmalar bulunduğundan konuyla ilgili
hem rivayetler açısından hem de mezheplerin görüşleri bağlamında detaylı bilgi
verip konunun biraz daha vuzuha kavuşmasına yardımcı olmaya çalışacağız.
One of voluntary prayers is tarawih. Tarawih is a prayer which is performed during the evenings of Ramadan month. The validity of tarawih is based on both verbal and actual sunnah. The prophet Muhammad encouraged tarawih to be performed, he also performed it in the mosques, however he didn’t continue to perform it because of fear that it would be obligatory for Muslims. According to the apparent meaning of Hadiths, it didn’t depend on a certain format in the period of Prophet Muhammad, its amount was released. While some performed it alone, some performed it as a group with the congregation. Later during the caliphate of Umar, it gained a certain format, the amount of rak’at was determined as twenty rak’ats and an imam was appointed to lead tarawih to be performed with the congregation. Since it kept on performed during the period of four caliphs and it was certain with a sunnah, Islamic jurists agreed on it was sunnah. As the purpose of tarawih was to revive the nights of Ramadan, the duration was extended in the periods of Prophet and his Companions, an important part of the night was revived by prayer. Since there are some debates about the fact that tarawih prayer is sunnah and the number of rak’ats, we will give detailed information in terms of both the narrations and the view's of sects and we will try to help this subject to be more clear by giving details.
One of voluntary prayers is tarawih. Tarawih is a prayer which is performed during the evenings of Ramadan month. The validity of tarawih is based on both verbal and actual sunnah. The prophet Muhammad encouraged tarawih to be performed, he also performed it in the mosques, however he didn’t continue to perform it because of fear that it would be obligatory for Muslims. According to the apparent meaning of Hadiths, it didn’t depend on a certain format in the period of Prophet Muhammad, its amount was released. While some performed it alone, some performed it as a group with the congregation. Later during the caliphate of Umar, it gained a certain format, the amount of rak’at was determined as twenty rak’ats and an imam was appointed to lead tarawih to be performed with the congregation. Since it kept on performed during the period of four caliphs and it was certain with a sunnah, Islamic jurists agreed on it was sunnah. As the purpose of tarawih was to revive the nights of Ramadan, the duration was extended in the periods of Prophet and his Companions, an important part of the night was revived by prayer. Since there are some debates about the fact that tarawih prayer is sunnah and the number of rak’ats, we will give detailed information in terms of both the narrations and the view's of sects and we will try to help this subject to be more clear by giving details.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Teravih, Ramazan Ayı, Namaz, Sünnet, Kıraat, Rekât, Ramadan, Terawih, Prayer, Sunnah, Qıra’at, Rak’ah
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Demirel, M. (2021) .İslâm hukukunda teravih namazının hükmü ve rekât sayısı. Batman Akademi Dergisi, 5 (1), ss. 22-41.