Suriye Savaşı Nedeniyle Yaşanan Göçün Ekonomik ve SosyoKültürel Etkileri: Batman Örneği
Kaypak, Şafak
Bimay, Muzaffer
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Batman Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, Suriye savaşı nedeniyle göç edenlerin kente uyum süreçlerinde ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel etkileri, sınır kentlerine komşu ve aynı zamanda bölgede geçiş güzergâhı olarak kullanılan Batman kenti özelinde ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Kentsel alanlara gelenlerin kentlileşmesi için kente gelmesi, yerleşmesi, iş bulması yeterli olmamaktadır. Bu kişilerin kentsel davranış kalıplarını benimsemesi, kentin sosyo-kültürel özelliklerini sindirmesi ve kendilerini kente ait hissetmesi önemlidir. Yapılan araştırma ve incelemelere göre Suriyeli göçmenlerin belli konularda uyum sağlamada çok fazla zorluk yaşamadıkları görünse de, göçmenlerin geçici misafir olmaktan çıkıp kalıcı duruma geçmeleri nedeniyle birçok ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel sorunla karşı karşıya kalmasının yanında kent halkı üzerinde de benzer etkilere neden olmuşlardır. Çalışmada, Suriye’de çıkan iç savaş nedeniyle meydana gelen göç olgusu sonucunda Batman kentinde yaşayanların ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel özellikler açısından nasıl etkilendikleri araştırılmıştır.
In this study, the economic and socio-cultural effects in the city orientation periods of immigrants because of Syria War, Batman city which has been neighboring the border cities and at the same time has been used as transition route, has been tried to be handled on its own. It is not sufficient that people come to the urban areas for citizenship; they settle and get into a job. It’s important that these people should adopt urban behavior shapes, assimilate the socio-cultured features and feel themselves belong to the city. According to the consequence of research although it is seen that the Syrian immigrants do not have a difficulty to adopt in certain subjects; it has caused effects in point above the city people, beside coming up against many economic and socio-cultural problems, because of the refugees passing from being temporary guest to permanent situation. It has been explored that how the people living in Batman have been influenced in terms of economic and socio-cultural, the result of immigration fact, which has been taken place because of civil war in Syria in that research.
In this study, the economic and socio-cultural effects in the city orientation periods of immigrants because of Syria War, Batman city which has been neighboring the border cities and at the same time has been used as transition route, has been tried to be handled on its own. It is not sufficient that people come to the urban areas for citizenship; they settle and get into a job. It’s important that these people should adopt urban behavior shapes, assimilate the socio-cultured features and feel themselves belong to the city. According to the consequence of research although it is seen that the Syrian immigrants do not have a difficulty to adopt in certain subjects; it has caused effects in point above the city people, beside coming up against many economic and socio-cultural problems, because of the refugees passing from being temporary guest to permanent situation. It has been explored that how the people living in Batman have been influenced in terms of economic and socio-cultural, the result of immigration fact, which has been taken place because of civil war in Syria in that research.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kent, Suriyeli Göçü, Mülteci, Uyum, Batman, City, Syrian Immigration, Refugee, Adaptation
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri