Eş’ârîliğin teşekkülü ve İmam Eş’ârî
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Batman Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İmam Eş’arî, ilmî hayatını Mu’tezile içinde geçirmiş, daha sonraki dönemlerde hem üvey
babası hem de hocası olan Ebû Ali el-Cübbâîile fikri ayrılığa düşerek Mu’tezileden ayrılmıştır.
Mu’tezile’den ayrılma sürecinin gördüğü bir rüyaya bağlayanlar olduğu gibi, bu ayrılışı hocasıyla ters
düştüğü üç kardeş meselesine de bağlayanlar vardır. İmam Eş’arî, Mu’tezile içinde geçirdiği kırk
yıllık sürede onların ders halkalarında, nasslardan hüküm çıkarırken aklın kullanılması mevzusunu
özümsemiş bir şahsiyet olarak temayüz etmiştir. Nitekim İmam Eş’arî, daha Mu’tezile içindeyken
hocasının olmadığı zamanlarda onun yerine kürsüye çıkacak kadar ilerlemiş durumdaydı. Yeni bir
fikre meyleden İmam Eş’arî bu anlamda Ehl-i Sünnet düşüncesine yönelirken itikadî mevzularda
Mu'tezile ile Ashabu’l-Hadis arasında orta bir yerde durmuştur. Bundan dolayı Eş’arî'nin düşünce
sistemini üç evreye ayırmak mümkündür. Bu dönemler, Mu’tezilî, Selefî ve Kelamî dönem olmak
üzere üç safhada ele alınabilir. Genel manada selefî düşünceyi kelamî yaklaşımla en iyi anlamda
temellendiren Eş’arî, bu yaklaşımında nakli esas alarak aklı da aktif olarak kullanmıştır. Böylece Eş’arî
hem nakli hemde akli temel alarak kendine has bir metod geliştirirek vahiy-akıl dengesini kurmayı
başarmıştır. Bu özellik Ehl-i sünnet kelamının da en önemli özelliği olmanın yanı sıra onu diğer
ekollerden ayıran temel farklı tarafı olarak kabul edilir.
: Imam Ash'ari spent his scientific life in Mu'tazila, in later periods, he broke up with Abu Ali al-Cubbai, who was both his stepfather and teacher, and left the Mu'tazila. While there are some who connect the process of leaving the Mu'tazila to a dream, there are also those who connect this separation to an issue that conflicts with his teacher. Imam Ash'ari stood out as a person who assimilated the use of reason while making judgments from the texts in their lesson circles during the forty years he spent in the Mu'tazila. As a matter of fact, while Imam Ash'ari was still in the Mu'tazila, he had advanced enough to take the podium in his place when his teacher was not present. Inclining to a new idea, Imam Ash'ari tended towards the Ahl al-Sunnah thought in this sense, and kept a middle ground between the Mu'tazila and the Ahl al-Hadith in matters of creed. For this reason, it is possible to divide Ash'ari's world of thought into three periods. Because of this world of thought transitions, his life can be considered in three phases, namely the Ash'ari, Mu'tazilite, Salafi and Kalami periods. In general terms, Eş’arî, who bases the salafi thought with the theological approach in the best sense, also actively used the mind on the basis of this approach. Thus, Ash'ari succeeded in establishing a revelation-reason balance by developing a unique method based on both narration and reason. This feature is accepted as the most important feature as well as the main difference that distinguishes Ahl as-sunnat theology from other madhhabs.
: Imam Ash'ari spent his scientific life in Mu'tazila, in later periods, he broke up with Abu Ali al-Cubbai, who was both his stepfather and teacher, and left the Mu'tazila. While there are some who connect the process of leaving the Mu'tazila to a dream, there are also those who connect this separation to an issue that conflicts with his teacher. Imam Ash'ari stood out as a person who assimilated the use of reason while making judgments from the texts in their lesson circles during the forty years he spent in the Mu'tazila. As a matter of fact, while Imam Ash'ari was still in the Mu'tazila, he had advanced enough to take the podium in his place when his teacher was not present. Inclining to a new idea, Imam Ash'ari tended towards the Ahl al-Sunnah thought in this sense, and kept a middle ground between the Mu'tazila and the Ahl al-Hadith in matters of creed. For this reason, it is possible to divide Ash'ari's world of thought into three periods. Because of this world of thought transitions, his life can be considered in three phases, namely the Ash'ari, Mu'tazilite, Salafi and Kalami periods. In general terms, Eş’arî, who bases the salafi thought with the theological approach in the best sense, also actively used the mind on the basis of this approach. Thus, Ash'ari succeeded in establishing a revelation-reason balance by developing a unique method based on both narration and reason. This feature is accepted as the most important feature as well as the main difference that distinguishes Ahl as-sunnat theology from other madhhabs.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eş’arî, Ehl-i Sünnet, Mezhep, Fırka, İtikad, Ash'ari, Ahl as-Sunnah, Sect, Religious Sect, Creed
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Demir, F. (2022). Eş’ârîliğin teşekkülü ve İmam Eş’ârî. Batman Akademi Dergisi, 6 (1), ss. 5-18.