Zemin sıvılaşmasına zemin ve deprem parametrelerinin etkisinin değerlendirilmesi
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Batman Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Zemin sıvılaĢma potansiyelinin değerlendirilmesinde ve bir deprem esnasında sıvılaĢma potansiyelini
saptayabilmek amacıyla, kum ve siltli kum gibi zeminler içeren tabakaların, arazi ve laboratuvar
çalıĢmalarından elde edilebilen zemin ve sismik parametrelerin bir arada kullanıldığı birçok kriterler,
deneysel formüller ve ampirik bağıntılar mevcuttur. Bütün bu kriterler bir arada değerlendirilerek
sıvılaĢma hesaplarının yapılması önem arz etmektedir. Tez çalıĢması kapsamında, zemin sıvılaĢmasında,
zemin ve deprem parametrelerinin etkisi farklı yöntemler kullanılarak, A Microsoft Excels spreadsheet &
programı ile teorik örnekler verilerek değerlendirilmiĢ ve elde edilen sonuçlar tartıĢılıp yorumlanmıĢtır.
ÇalıĢmada Dobry vd.,(1981A) Iwasaki ve Tokido (1978) Seed ve Idriss (1981)‟e göre farklı
parametrelerle sıvılaĢma hesapları yapılarak değerlendirilip sunulmuĢtur.
Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; deprem parametrelerinin etkisinin sıvılaĢma için ne derece önemli bir etkiye
sahip olduğu, yapılan analiz sonuçları ve ivme değerlerine göre farklılık kazandığı grafiklerden iyi bir
Ģekilde anlaĢılmaktadır. Kullanılan yöntemlerde Dobry vd.,(1981), Seed ve Idriss (1981) yöntemlerinin
daha sağlıklı çalıĢtığı görülmüĢtür. Zemin özelliğinin kumlu ve siltli olması, zeminlerde kum içeriğinin
yüksek olması ve yeraltı suyu seviyesinin zemin yüzeyine maximum 10 metre derinlikte olması
sıvılaĢmanın olabilmesi için önemli baĢlangıç Ģartlarıdır. Deprem parametrelerinin etkisinin sıvılaĢma için
ne derece önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğu, yapılan analiz sonuçları ve ivme değerlerine göre farklılık
kazandığı grafiklerden iyi bir Ģekilde anlaĢılmaktadır. Yapılan analiz ve incelemeler sonucuna göre, ivme
değerinin 0,10 g olduğunda ve 4,80 m derinlikten sonra sıvılaĢma olabilir veya sıvılaĢma riski var
diyebiliriz. Aynı Ģekilde, ivme değerinin (a,g) 0,10 üzerinde olduğu andan itibaren sıvılaĢma riskinin
olduğu ve güvenlik katsayısının 1‟den küçük olup azaldığı bilinmektedir. Fakat, ivme değerinin 0,10 ve
üzeri olduğu her zeminde sıvılaĢma olacağından söz edemeyiz. Çünkü, sıvılaĢmaya etki eden faktörlerin
zeminde var olması ve yeraltı suyu seviyesinin zemin yüzeyine yakın olması ile zemin içeriğinde kumlusiltli
ve kum oranın yüksek olması gerekmektedir. SıvılaĢmaya bağlı olarak zemin oturmalarının
kestirilmesi analizleri sonucuna göre, ivme değerlerinin 0,10 g büyük olduğu andan itibaren zemindeki
oturma problemleri de sıvılaĢmayı olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir.
In order to evaluate the soil liquefaction potential and to detect liquefaction potential during an earthquake, there are many criteria, experimental formulas and empirical correlations in which layers containing soils such as sand and silty sand, and soil and seismic parameters which can be acquired with field and laboratory surveys are employed together. It is important to make liquefaction calculations considering all these criteria together. In the thesis study, the effect of soil and earthquake parameters on soil liquefaction was evaluated using different methods and giving theoretical examples with A Microsoft Excels Spreadsheet Software; then the acquired results were discussed and interpreted. In the study, liquefaction calculations were performed with various parameters and presented according to Dobry et al., (1981A) Iwasaki and Tokido (1978) Seed and Idriss (1981). The acquired results clearly demonstrated how the effect of earthquake parameters is important for liquefaction, and change based on the results of the conducted analysis and acceleration values according to the graphics. It was observed that the methods of Dobry et al., (1981), Seed and Idriss (1981) were more reliable among the utilized methods. The fact that the soil feature is sandy and silty, that the sand content is high in the soils and that the underground water level is in 10-meter deep from the soil surface are important commencing condition for liquefaction. The graphics clearly demonstrate how important the effect of earthquake parameters is for liquefaction and that it change based on the results of conducted analysis and acceleration values. According to the results of performed analysis and examinations, we can say that there may be liquefaction after 4.80m of depth or there is a risk of liquefaction if the acceleration value is 0.10g. It is also known that there is a liquefaction risk following the moment that the acceleration value (a,g) is greater than 0.10 and the safety factor becomes lower than 1 so the risk increases. However, we cannot say there will be liquefaction in each soil where the acceleration value is 0.10 and above. Because the factors affecting the liquefaction are required in the soil and the underground water level needs to be close to soil surface, and also the soil should be sandy-silty and have high sand rate. Subsidence problems in the soil following the moment that the acceleration value is greater than 0.10 affect the liquefaction negatively according to analysis result to estimate the subsidence based on the liquefaction.
In order to evaluate the soil liquefaction potential and to detect liquefaction potential during an earthquake, there are many criteria, experimental formulas and empirical correlations in which layers containing soils such as sand and silty sand, and soil and seismic parameters which can be acquired with field and laboratory surveys are employed together. It is important to make liquefaction calculations considering all these criteria together. In the thesis study, the effect of soil and earthquake parameters on soil liquefaction was evaluated using different methods and giving theoretical examples with A Microsoft Excels Spreadsheet Software; then the acquired results were discussed and interpreted. In the study, liquefaction calculations were performed with various parameters and presented according to Dobry et al., (1981A) Iwasaki and Tokido (1978) Seed and Idriss (1981). The acquired results clearly demonstrated how the effect of earthquake parameters is important for liquefaction, and change based on the results of the conducted analysis and acceleration values according to the graphics. It was observed that the methods of Dobry et al., (1981), Seed and Idriss (1981) were more reliable among the utilized methods. The fact that the soil feature is sandy and silty, that the sand content is high in the soils and that the underground water level is in 10-meter deep from the soil surface are important commencing condition for liquefaction. The graphics clearly demonstrate how important the effect of earthquake parameters is for liquefaction and that it change based on the results of conducted analysis and acceleration values. According to the results of performed analysis and examinations, we can say that there may be liquefaction after 4.80m of depth or there is a risk of liquefaction if the acceleration value is 0.10g. It is also known that there is a liquefaction risk following the moment that the acceleration value (a,g) is greater than 0.10 and the safety factor becomes lower than 1 so the risk increases. However, we cannot say there will be liquefaction in each soil where the acceleration value is 0.10 and above. Because the factors affecting the liquefaction are required in the soil and the underground water level needs to be close to soil surface, and also the soil should be sandy-silty and have high sand rate. Subsidence problems in the soil following the moment that the acceleration value is greater than 0.10 affect the liquefaction negatively according to analysis result to estimate the subsidence based on the liquefaction.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Jeoloji-Jeoteknik, Jeofizik, Kayma Dalgası Hızı ( Vs ), Sıvılaşma, Sıvılaşma Potansiyeli, SPT, Geology-Geotechnical, Geophysical, Liquefaction, Liquefaction Potential, SPT, Slip Wave Velocity (Vs)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aytaş, Z. (2019). Zemin sıvılaşmasına zemin ve deprem parametrelerinin etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Batman Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Batman.