Orhan Pamuk romanlarının yapı ve içerik bakımından incelenmesi
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Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
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Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü sahibi olan Orhan Pamuk, ülkemizde postmodern roman anlayışının öncülerinden biri olarak görülür. Özellikle Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları romanından sonra kaleme aldığı romanlarında postmodern roman özellikleri daha çok görünür. Yazdığı eserler ile sadece ülkemizde değil dünya üzerinde birçok ülkede kendini edebi kişiliğiyle kanıtlayan bir yazardır. Pamuk’un eserlerini incelediğimiz bu çalışmada; yazar, eserlerinde roman anlatıcılarını tekdüze değil birbirleriyle uyumlu bir şekilde beraber kullanmayı tercih eder. İlk romanı Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları’nda klasik roman anlayışında sıkça kullanılan tanrısal konumlu gözlemci anlatıcıyı tercih eden yazar, bu romandan sonra çizgisini değiştirerek anlatıcılarını çeşitlendirir. Beyaz Kale, Masumiyet Müzesi ve Kırmızı Saçlı Kadın romanlarında özne anlatıcıya yer veren yazar, bu romanlarda sadece kahramanların gözünden olayları aktardığı için okurun diğer açılardan olaya ve durumlara bakmakta yetersiz kalmasına neden olur. Yazar, bu durumu aşmak içinse geriye kalan romanlarında çoğul anlatıcıya yer verir. Pamuk, Sessiz Ev, Kara Kitap, Yeni Hayat, Benim Adım Kırmızı, Kar ve Kafamda Bir Tuhaflık romanlarında hem tanrısal konumlu gözlemci anlatıcı hem de özne anlatıcıyı beraber kullanır. Geleneksel anlatıcı olan meddah anlatıcıya da bazen yer verir. Böylelikle okura farklı bakış açılarından bakma fırsatı sunar. Yazarın kendisi kimi zaman araya girip okurla sohbet eder.
Pamuk’un içerik açısından romanlarında kullandığı; konu, izlek ve tezlerin birbirinden çok fazla ayrışmadığı görülür. Mesela aşk konusuna birçok eserinde yer verir. Yazar, bazen tek bir temaya bağlı kalmadan birden fazla tema üzerinden eserlerini sunar. Eserlerinde zamanda yaptığı değişiklikler ile okuru geçmiş ve şimdi, vaka zamanı ve nesnel zaman arasında bir döngüye sürükler. İlk romanı hariç diğer romanlarında uzun bir zaman dilimini belli bir düzen içerisinde vermez. Yazar, eserde geçen mekânlarda ise açık mekânlar ile beraber kapalı mekânlarda kullanır. Yazarın bazı eserlerinde İstanbul büyük önem taşır. Mekân tasvirlerini bazı eserlerinde en ince ayrıntısına kadar verdiği gibi bazı eserlerde mekân ikinci planda kalır. Pamuk, kitaplarında kullandığı kişileri gerçek hayattan alır ve bunlar sıradan insanlardır. Kendi aile üyelerini bazı kitaplarında roman kahramanı olarak kullanır. Bunların yanında bazen bir ağaca bazen bir köpeğe hayat verip kişileştirme yapan yazar, kurgulama kişiler de oluşturur. Yazarın kullandığı pek çok karakter günlük hayatta her an her yerde karşımıza çıkabilecek kişilerdir. Bazı romanları iki üç kişi etrafında dönerken bazı romanlarında ise kişiler sayıca fazladır. Kişilerin fazla olması sebebiyle böyle romanlarda kişiden çok yaşanan olaylara dikkat çekilir. Ayrıca kişilerini bazen öyle gizlemiştir ki okuyucunun eserde kimin kim olduğunu bulması için romanı sonuna kadar okuması gerekir. Yazar, sadece popüler kişiliklere yer vermeyerek toplumun her kesimini yansıtacak karakterleri kurgusu içerisinde önemli yerlere taşımıştır. Kişiler üzerinden toplumda yer alan siyasî olay ve belli görüşleri temsil eden karakterleri de kullanarak romanlarının hayattan kopuk olmadığını her ne kadar postmodern de olsa aslında bu karakterleri gerçeklik içinde yaşattığını gösterir. Pamuk, sanatsal üretimi ve faaliyeti sürecinde salt ideolojik yaklaşımı öteler, onun yerine kendine özgü bir duyarlılığı sanatının merkezine yerleştirir. İlk romanı Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları’ndan 2021’de yayımladığı son romanı Veba Geceleri’ne kadar bütün romanlarını merkezî kişiler çevresinde şekillendiren yazar, merkezî kişiler etrafında sosyal tipleri konumlandırmıştır.
Romanlarının biçimsel özellikleri, kurgulama tekniği ve öğelerine bakıldığında her bir romanında kurgunun birbirinden bağımsız ve farklı olduğuna şahit olunur. Kurgusu içerisine başka edebi metinlerden alıntılar (metinlerarasılıkla alıntılar) yaparak kurguya farklı hikâyeler ekleyen yazar, eser perspektifini geniş tutan romanlar kaleme almıştır. Pamuk, üstkurmaca uygulamasını da sıradan bir metin yazar gibi rahatça kullanmıştır. Yazar; aşk, Doğu-Batı sorunsalı, tarih, siyasî sorunlar ve din gibi birçok konuyu harmanlayarak kurgusuna yerleştirmiştir. Pamuk için roman yazmak bir yaşam biçimidir ve yazarın hayatı yazmak üzerine temellenmiştir. Bu açıdan romanlarında kişiliği, benliği, yaşam gerçekliği ve insanî nitelikleri ayrıştırılamaz bir şekilde bütünleşir. Yazar, kurgularında bazen olayın sonundan başa dönerek aktarırken bazen de normal seyrinde okura romanı sunar. O, zaman dilimleri arasında geçiş yaparak okurun geçmiş, gelecek ve şimdi arasında yolculuk yapmasını sağlar. Eserlerinde olay örgüsü, olay bütünlüğü ve sonlar birbirine bağlı zincirler şeklinde bütünlük oluşturur.
Anlatım teknikleri açısından eserleri incelenen Pamuk’un ilk iki eserinden sonra bilinçli okurun fark edeceği pek çok anlatım tekniğinin kullanıldığı fark edilir. Yazar, hemen hemen bütün romanlarında postmodern tekniklere yer vermiştir. Ancak bazı eserlerinde bu tekniklerden bir kısmına daha çok ağırlık vermiştir. Yazarın Veba Geceleri romanında tarihsel üst kurmaca ve üst kurmaca tekniklerini, Yeni Hayat romanında ise geriye dönüş tekniğini daha çok kullandığı gibi.
Pamuk’un eserleri, dil ve üslup bağlamında inceleme altına alındığında dilin alt başlıklara ayrıştığı görülür. Dil unsurları ve dil sapmaları alt başlıklarıyla yazarın dilin kullanım zenginliklerinden nasıl faydalandığına bakılmıştır. Bu bağlamda yazarın kullandığı konuşma dilinin unsurları ile romanları gerçeklik kazanmıştır. Romanın özgün çerçevesi açısından üslup kavramı önem arz eder. Bu nedenle çalışmamızda üslup kavramı ve üslup çeşitleri tanımlanır. Pamuk’un eserlerinde ne tür üsluplar kullandığı ve eserlerini üslup açısından çeşitlendirip çeşitlendirmediği bu incelemenin konularındandır.
Romancının yazımda başvurduğu anlatım teknikleri, Pamuk romancılığının hem nitelik hem de nicelik yönünden nasıl ortaya çıktığını ve sanatsal üretiminin bu noktada nasıl temellendirildiğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışmanın her aşamasında yazarın biyografik gerçekliği ile birlikte ilk olarak romanlarındaki anlatıcı özellikleri, içerik, kurgulama tekniği ve öğeleri, anlatım biçimi ve anlatım tekniklerinin, dil ve üslubun belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
Orhan Pamuk, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, is seen as one of the pioneers of the postmodern novel understanding in our country. Especially in the novels he wrote after the novel Cevdet Bey and Sons, postmodern novel features are more visible. He is a writer who proves himself with his literary personality not only in our country but also in many countries around the world with his works. In this study, we examine Pamuk's works; The author prefers to use the narrators of the novels in harmony with each other, not in a monotonous way in his works. In his first novel, Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları, the author preferred the observant narrator with a godlike position, which is frequently used in the understanding of the classical novel, and diversified his narrators by changing his line after this novel. The author, who includes the subject narrator in the novels Beyaz Kale, The Museum of Innocence and The Red Haired Woman, causes the reader to be inadequate to look at the events and situations from other perspectives, as he only narrates the events from the eyes of the heroes in these novels. In order to overcome this situation, the author includes a plural narrator in his remaining novels. Pamuk uses both the divinely positioned observer narrator and the subject narrator in his novels The Silent House, The Black Book, New Life, My Name Is Red, Snow and A Strangeness In My Mind. The traditional narrator, the meddah, sometimes includes the narrator. In this way, it offers the reader the opportunity to look at it from different perspectives. The author himself sometimes interrupts and chats with the reader. Pamuk uses in his novels in terms of content; It is seen that the subject, theme and theses do not differ much from each other. For example, he includes the subject of love in many of his works. The author presents his works on more than one theme, sometimes without being tied to a single theme. With the changes he makes in time in his works, he drags the reader into a loop between past and present, case time and objective time. Except for his first novel, he does not give a long time period in a certain order in his other novels. The author uses indoor spaces together with open spaces in the spaces mentioned in the work. Istanbul is of great importance in some of the author's works. In some of his works, the place remains in the background, as he gives the descriptions of the place down to the smallest detail. Pamuk takes the people he uses in his books from real life and these are ordinary people. He uses his own family members as protagonists in some of his books. In addition to these, the writer, who sometimes gives life to a tree and sometimes a dog, also creates fictional people. Many of the characters used by the author are people who can be encountered in daily life anytime, anywhere. While some of his novels revolve around two or three people, in some of his novels the characters are more numerous. Due to the large number of people, such novels draw attention to events rather than people. In addition, he sometimes hides his characters so much that the reader has to read the novel until the end to find out who is who in the work. The author has not only included popular personalities, but has carried characters that will reflect all segments of society to important places in his fiction. By using characters representing political events and certain views in the society through people, he shows that his novels are not disconnected from life, although postmodern, they actually live these characters in reality. In the process of his artistic production and activity, Pamuk postpones the purely ideological approach and instead places a unique sensitivity at the center of his art. The author, who has shaped all his novels around central figures, from his first novel Cevdet Bey and Sons to his last novel Plague Nights published in 2021, has positioned social types around central figures. Looking at the stylistic features, editing techniques and elements of his novels, it is witnessed that the fiction in each of his novels is independent and different from each other. The author, who adds different stories to the fiction by making quotations from other literary texts (quotes with intertextuality) into his fiction, has written novels that keep the perspective of the work wide. Pamuk has used metafiction as easily as an ordinary copywriter. Writer; He blended many subjects such as love, East-West problematic, history, political problems and religion into his fiction. For Pamuk, writing a novel is a way of life and the author's life is based on writing. In this respect, his personality, self, reality of life and human qualities are inseparably integrated in his novels. In his fictions, the author sometimes returns from the end of the event and sometimes presents the novel to the reader in its normal course. It allows the reader to travel between the past, the future and the present by switching between time zones. In his works, plot, event integrity and endings form integrity in the form of chains connected to each other. After the first two works of Pamuk, whose works are examined in terms of narrative techniques, it is noticed that many narrative techniques that the conscious reader will notice are used. The author has included postmodern techniques in almost all of his novels. However, in some of his works, he gave more weight to some of these techniques. Just as the author mostly uses historical metafiction and metafiction techniques in the novel Plague Nights, and the flashback technique in the novel Yeni Hayat. When Pamuk's works are examined in terms of language and style, it is seen that language is divided into sub-titles. With the subtitles of language elements and language deviations, it has been looked at how the author has benefited from the richness of language usage. In this context, the novels have gained reality with the elements of the spoken language used by the author. The concept of style is important in terms of the original framework of the novel. Therefore, in our study, the concept of style and its types are defined. What kind of styles Pamuk uses in his works and whether he diversifies his works in terms of style are the subjects of this study. The narrative techniques used by the novelist in writing show how Pamuk's novelism emerged in terms of both quality and quantity, and how his artistic production was grounded at this point. At every stage of this study, it is aimed to determine the narrator's features, content, editing technique and elements, narrative form and expression techniques, language and style in his novels, together with the author's biographical reality.
Orhan Pamuk, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, is seen as one of the pioneers of the postmodern novel understanding in our country. Especially in the novels he wrote after the novel Cevdet Bey and Sons, postmodern novel features are more visible. He is a writer who proves himself with his literary personality not only in our country but also in many countries around the world with his works. In this study, we examine Pamuk's works; The author prefers to use the narrators of the novels in harmony with each other, not in a monotonous way in his works. In his first novel, Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları, the author preferred the observant narrator with a godlike position, which is frequently used in the understanding of the classical novel, and diversified his narrators by changing his line after this novel. The author, who includes the subject narrator in the novels Beyaz Kale, The Museum of Innocence and The Red Haired Woman, causes the reader to be inadequate to look at the events and situations from other perspectives, as he only narrates the events from the eyes of the heroes in these novels. In order to overcome this situation, the author includes a plural narrator in his remaining novels. Pamuk uses both the divinely positioned observer narrator and the subject narrator in his novels The Silent House, The Black Book, New Life, My Name Is Red, Snow and A Strangeness In My Mind. The traditional narrator, the meddah, sometimes includes the narrator. In this way, it offers the reader the opportunity to look at it from different perspectives. The author himself sometimes interrupts and chats with the reader. Pamuk uses in his novels in terms of content; It is seen that the subject, theme and theses do not differ much from each other. For example, he includes the subject of love in many of his works. The author presents his works on more than one theme, sometimes without being tied to a single theme. With the changes he makes in time in his works, he drags the reader into a loop between past and present, case time and objective time. Except for his first novel, he does not give a long time period in a certain order in his other novels. The author uses indoor spaces together with open spaces in the spaces mentioned in the work. Istanbul is of great importance in some of the author's works. In some of his works, the place remains in the background, as he gives the descriptions of the place down to the smallest detail. Pamuk takes the people he uses in his books from real life and these are ordinary people. He uses his own family members as protagonists in some of his books. In addition to these, the writer, who sometimes gives life to a tree and sometimes a dog, also creates fictional people. Many of the characters used by the author are people who can be encountered in daily life anytime, anywhere. While some of his novels revolve around two or three people, in some of his novels the characters are more numerous. Due to the large number of people, such novels draw attention to events rather than people. In addition, he sometimes hides his characters so much that the reader has to read the novel until the end to find out who is who in the work. The author has not only included popular personalities, but has carried characters that will reflect all segments of society to important places in his fiction. By using characters representing political events and certain views in the society through people, he shows that his novels are not disconnected from life, although postmodern, they actually live these characters in reality. In the process of his artistic production and activity, Pamuk postpones the purely ideological approach and instead places a unique sensitivity at the center of his art. The author, who has shaped all his novels around central figures, from his first novel Cevdet Bey and Sons to his last novel Plague Nights published in 2021, has positioned social types around central figures. Looking at the stylistic features, editing techniques and elements of his novels, it is witnessed that the fiction in each of his novels is independent and different from each other. The author, who adds different stories to the fiction by making quotations from other literary texts (quotes with intertextuality) into his fiction, has written novels that keep the perspective of the work wide. Pamuk has used metafiction as easily as an ordinary copywriter. Writer; He blended many subjects such as love, East-West problematic, history, political problems and religion into his fiction. For Pamuk, writing a novel is a way of life and the author's life is based on writing. In this respect, his personality, self, reality of life and human qualities are inseparably integrated in his novels. In his fictions, the author sometimes returns from the end of the event and sometimes presents the novel to the reader in its normal course. It allows the reader to travel between the past, the future and the present by switching between time zones. In his works, plot, event integrity and endings form integrity in the form of chains connected to each other. After the first two works of Pamuk, whose works are examined in terms of narrative techniques, it is noticed that many narrative techniques that the conscious reader will notice are used. The author has included postmodern techniques in almost all of his novels. However, in some of his works, he gave more weight to some of these techniques. Just as the author mostly uses historical metafiction and metafiction techniques in the novel Plague Nights, and the flashback technique in the novel Yeni Hayat. When Pamuk's works are examined in terms of language and style, it is seen that language is divided into sub-titles. With the subtitles of language elements and language deviations, it has been looked at how the author has benefited from the richness of language usage. In this context, the novels have gained reality with the elements of the spoken language used by the author. The concept of style is important in terms of the original framework of the novel. Therefore, in our study, the concept of style and its types are defined. What kind of styles Pamuk uses in his works and whether he diversifies his works in terms of style are the subjects of this study. The narrative techniques used by the novelist in writing show how Pamuk's novelism emerged in terms of both quality and quantity, and how his artistic production was grounded at this point. At every stage of this study, it is aimed to determine the narrator's features, content, editing technique and elements, narrative form and expression techniques, language and style in his novels, together with the author's biographical reality.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anlatım Teknikleri, İçerik, Kişi, Orhan Pamuk, Yapı, Narrative Techniques, Content, Person, Structure
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Üçenak, Ş.(2023). Orhan Pamuk romanlarının yapı ve içerik bakımından incelenmesi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Batman.