Siirt ili Eruh ilçesi heyelan alanının jeolojik, jeoteknik incelenmesi ve şev stabilite analizi
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Batman Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışma kapsamında, Siirt ili Eruh ilçesinde heyelandan etkilenen bir bölgenin mühendislik jeolojisi, jeoteknik özellikleri ve şev stabilite koşulları araştırılmıştır. Arazi araştırmaları içerisinde zeminin yatay ve düşey yöndeki değişimlerini, zeminin mühendislik, litolojik ve jeolojik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla üç adet toplamda 60 metre derinliğinde araştırma sondaj çalışmaları yapılmıştır. İnceleme alanı bitkisel toprak, üst-orta Miyosen yaşlı çok gevşek ve homojen olmayan yer yer marn katkılı kumlu iri çakıllı az siltli kil birimlerden oluşmaktadır.
Açılan sondaj kuyularında zemin tabakalarının fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerini belirlemek amacı ile Standart Penetrasyon Deneyi (SPT) yapılmıştır. Ayrıca, sondaj kuyularından alınan örselenmiş (SPT) ve örselenmemiş (UD) numuneler üzerinde zeminin doğal birim hacim ağırlığı, su muhtevası, elek analizi, Atterberg limitleri, konsolidasyon ve üç eksenli basınç deneyleri yapılmıştır. Alınan numunelerde LL (Likit Limit) ortalaması % 57,8, PI (Plastisite İndisi) ortalaması % 32,3 hesaplanmıştır. Plastisite indisine göre şişme derecesi yüksek ve şişme yüzdesi % 20-30 olarak belirlenmiştir.
Güvenlik katsayısının üç alınması durumunda emniyetli taşıma gücü; SK-1 için 1,038 kg/cm², SK-2 için 1,027 kg/cm², SK-3 için 1,080 kg/cm² hesaplanmıştır. İnceleme alanındaki heyelanlı bölgede “Slope Stability Analysis” kullanılarak şev stabilite analizi yapılmıştır.
Çalışma kapsamında, inceleme alanında yapılan sondajlarda yeraltı suyuna rastlanılmamıştır. Ancak birimin çok gevşek ve şişme özeliği göstermesi, zeminin 20,00 metreye kadar gevşek, suyla dağılma özeliği gösteren ve homojen olmayan birimlerden oluşmasından dolayı sıvılaşma riski olabileceğinden sızıntı suları ve yağmur sularını önlemek için drenaj ağı yapılması önerilmektedir. İnceleme alanında, heyelan alanı; toplam alanın eğimi % 45-50 arasındadır. Şev stabilite analizi hesaplamalarından yüksek tehlikede GK (Güvenlik Katsayısı) olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanında bölgede yağışların fazla olması heyelanı oluşturan birimin çok gevşek homojen olmayan kumlu iri çakıllı az siltli killerden meydana gelmesinden dolayı inceleme alanı için bir risk oluşturmaktadır.
This study investigates the engineering geology, geotechnical properties and slope stabibility conditions of a region affected by landslide in Eruh County of Siirt Province. In order to determine the horizontal and vertical changes of the soil and the engineering, lithological and geological characteristics of the soil, three drilling and drilling studies were carried out in total 60 meters. The survey area consisted of topsoil, middle-upper Miocene ged very loose and non-homogeneous, partly marn added, arenaceous, ballast, low-silt clay units. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) was performed in order to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the soil layers in the drilled wells. In addition, distributed (SPT) and undistrubuted (UD) samples taken from boreholes were subjected to soil natural unit volume weight, water content, sieve analysis, Atterberg limits, consolidation and three-axial pressure tests. LL (Liquid Limit) average 57,8 %, PI (Plasticity Index ) 32,3 % of the samples were calculated. Swelling degree was found to be high and swelling percentage as 20- 30 % according to plasticity index. Safe bearing capacity by considering factory of safety three was found as; 1,038 kg/cm² for SK-1, 1,027 kg/cm² for SK-2, and 1,080 kg/cm² for SK-3. Slope Stability Analysis was used in the landslide in the study area. Any groundwater was not found during drills in the survey areas within the scope of the study. However, establishment of a drainage network is recommended in order to prevent leak water and rainwater as there might be a risk of liquefaction since the unit consists of nonhomogeneous sections dissolving in water, and as the unit is very loose and swelling, and soil is loose up to 20 meters. The inclination of the total area of landslide zone within the survey area is between 45-50 %. The landslide zone was found to have high-level Factor of Safety (FoS) in the slope stability analysis computations. Beside the survey area constitutes a risk as the region receives high amounts of precipitation, and the unit causing landslide consists of very loose non-homogeneous, arenaceous ballast low-silt clay layers.
This study investigates the engineering geology, geotechnical properties and slope stabibility conditions of a region affected by landslide in Eruh County of Siirt Province. In order to determine the horizontal and vertical changes of the soil and the engineering, lithological and geological characteristics of the soil, three drilling and drilling studies were carried out in total 60 meters. The survey area consisted of topsoil, middle-upper Miocene ged very loose and non-homogeneous, partly marn added, arenaceous, ballast, low-silt clay units. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) was performed in order to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the soil layers in the drilled wells. In addition, distributed (SPT) and undistrubuted (UD) samples taken from boreholes were subjected to soil natural unit volume weight, water content, sieve analysis, Atterberg limits, consolidation and three-axial pressure tests. LL (Liquid Limit) average 57,8 %, PI (Plasticity Index ) 32,3 % of the samples were calculated. Swelling degree was found to be high and swelling percentage as 20- 30 % according to plasticity index. Safe bearing capacity by considering factory of safety three was found as; 1,038 kg/cm² for SK-1, 1,027 kg/cm² for SK-2, and 1,080 kg/cm² for SK-3. Slope Stability Analysis was used in the landslide in the study area. Any groundwater was not found during drills in the survey areas within the scope of the study. However, establishment of a drainage network is recommended in order to prevent leak water and rainwater as there might be a risk of liquefaction since the unit consists of nonhomogeneous sections dissolving in water, and as the unit is very loose and swelling, and soil is loose up to 20 meters. The inclination of the total area of landslide zone within the survey area is between 45-50 %. The landslide zone was found to have high-level Factor of Safety (FoS) in the slope stability analysis computations. Beside the survey area constitutes a risk as the region receives high amounts of precipitation, and the unit causing landslide consists of very loose non-homogeneous, arenaceous ballast low-silt clay layers.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eruh Heyelan,, Heyelan, Jeoteknik, Siirt, Standart Penetrasyon Deneyi (SPT), Şev Stabilitesi, Eruh Landslide, Geotechnic, Landslide, Slope Stability, Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yılmaz, H. (2019). Siirt ili Eruh ilçesi heyelan alanının jeolojik, jeoteknik incelenmesi ve şev stabilite analizi.(Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Batman Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Batman.