Gıda mikroenkapsülasyonunda aljinat kullanımı
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Batman Üniversitesi
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Mikroenkapsülasyon hassas bileşenlerin koruyucu bir duvar materyali içinde fiziksel olarak sarılmasını ve karşıt
reaksiyonlardan, uçucu kaybından ya da besinsel bozulmalardan çekirdek materyallerin ya da buna benzer
bileşenlerin korunmasını sağlayan bir teknolojidir. Günümüzde mikroenkapsülasyon, gıda, tekstil, farmakoloji,
kozmetik, agrokimyasal ve elektronik gibi endüstrinin çeşitli alanlarında kullanılmaktadır. Mikroenkapsülasyon
tekniğinin gıda endüstrisinde en yaygın kullanım amacı çevre koşullarına olan reaktivitesini azaltarak,
bozunmadan çekirdek materyalini korumak ve raf ömrünü uzatmaktır. Mikroenkapsülasyon tekniğinde kaplama
materyali olarak çoğunlukla, nişasta, kitosan, aljinat gibi karbonhidratlar; metil selüloz, etil selüloz gibi selülozlar;
akasya zamkı, karragenan gibi reçineler; vaks, parafin gibi yağlar; gluten, kazein gibi proteinler kullanılmaktadır.
Aljinatlar, kahverengi deniz yosunundan elde edilen (1-4) bağlı β-ᴅ-mannuronik asitin (M) ve α-ʟ-gluronik asitten
(G) oluşan bir anyonik polisakkarittir. Mikroenkapsülasyonda yaygın kullanılan aljinatın biyolojik olarak geri
dönüşümlü, biyo-uyumlu ve ucuz olması, bağırsaklarda tamamen çözünebilir olması gibi özellikleri, kabuk
materyali olarak kullanım kolaylığı yaratmaktadır. Bu derlemede, mikroenkapsülasyon teknolojisi, kaplama
materyali olarak aljinat kullanımı ve aljinatın mikroenkapsülasyon tekniği kullanılarak gıda endüstrisindeki
uygulamaları hakkında bilgi verilmektedir.
Microencapsulation is a technology that allows sensitive components to be physically wrapped in a protective wall material and to protect core materials or such components from counter reactions, from volatile loss or from nutritional deterioration. Nowadays microencapsulation is used in various fields of industry such as food, textile, pharmacology, cosmetics, agrochemical and electronics. The most common use of the microencapsulation technique in the food industry is to reduce the reactivity to the intended environmental conditions, protect the core material without degradation, and prolong the shelf life. Carbonhydrates, such as starch, chitosan, alginate, are often used as coating material in the microencapsulation technique; Cellulose such as methyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose; Gum arabic, carrageenan gums; Oils such as wax, paraffin; Gluten, casein. Alginates are anionic polysaccharides composed of (1-4) β-ε-mannuronic acid (M) and α-ω-guluronic acid (G) derived from brown seaweed.Alginate is biologically recyclable, biocompatible and cheap, it is completely soluble in the intestines, making it easy to use as shell material. This review provides information about microencapsulation technology, the use of alginate as coating material, and applications in the food industry using alginate microencapsulation technique.
Microencapsulation is a technology that allows sensitive components to be physically wrapped in a protective wall material and to protect core materials or such components from counter reactions, from volatile loss or from nutritional deterioration. Nowadays microencapsulation is used in various fields of industry such as food, textile, pharmacology, cosmetics, agrochemical and electronics. The most common use of the microencapsulation technique in the food industry is to reduce the reactivity to the intended environmental conditions, protect the core material without degradation, and prolong the shelf life. Carbonhydrates, such as starch, chitosan, alginate, are often used as coating material in the microencapsulation technique; Cellulose such as methyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose; Gum arabic, carrageenan gums; Oils such as wax, paraffin; Gluten, casein. Alginates are anionic polysaccharides composed of (1-4) β-ε-mannuronic acid (M) and α-ω-guluronic acid (G) derived from brown seaweed.Alginate is biologically recyclable, biocompatible and cheap, it is completely soluble in the intestines, making it easy to use as shell material. This review provides information about microencapsulation technology, the use of alginate as coating material, and applications in the food industry using alginate microencapsulation technique.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mikrokapsülasyon Teknikleri, Kaplama Materyali, Aljinat, Gıda, Microencapsulation Techniques, Coating Material, Alginate, Food
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Gökbulut, İ., Öztürk, F. S. (2018). Gıda mikroenkapsülasyonunda aljinat kullanımı. Batman Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi, 8 (1/2), ss. 16-28.