Ahmedî’nin İskender-Nâme’sinin Jung’un analitik psikoloji yaklaşımı ile incelenmesi
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Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Klasik metinler, toplumun ortak hafızasından süzülerek gelen duygu, düşünce ve tecrübeleri içerisinde barındı-rır. Dolayısıyla bu metinlerin merkezine yerleştirilmiş olan kahraman, kaotik bir dünyaya gözlerini açar ve özü-nü keşfetmek üzere çıktığı yaşam serüvenini ortak atalardan miras kalan ilk simgelerle anlamlandırmaya çalı-şır. Jung’un arketip olarak ifade ettiği bu ilk simgeler, kahramanın varoluş ve yok oluş eğrisini birleştirdiği birey-leşim çemberine ışık tutar. Bu çember; mitler ve masallarla benzer olay örgüsüne sahip mesnevilerde de ayrıl-ma-erginlenme- dönüş olarak formülize edilir. Jung’un arketipsel sembolizmi, bu aşama arketipleriyle ilişkilendi-rildiğinde mesnevideki kahramanın bilinç dışında yatan kaotik yapılar, çözümlenir. Böylece kahraman, iç çe-kirdeğinde gizlemiş olduğu özünü bir üst bilinçte yeniden yeşertme imkânı elde eder. Benzer bir kurgu çeşitli alegorik ve mitik unsurlarla bezenmiş İskender-nâme adlı mesnevide de yer alır. 14. yüzyılın önemli şairlerinden Ahmedî, mitik bir figür olan İskender’i ve çevresini zengin semboller ve imajlarla bezeyerek sunar. İskender, gördüğü bir rüya vasıtasıyla bilinç dışındaki karanlık çağrıya cevap verir ve böylece yaşam alanından çıkarak bireyselleşme/insan-ı kâmil olma yolunda ilk adımını atar.
Bu çalışmada Ahmedî’nin İskender-nâme’sinin baş kişisi olan İskender’in benlik bilincine ulaşma süre-ci, aşama arketipleriyle ve tasavvufî perspektifle ilişkilendirilerek Jung’un psikanalitik yaklaşımıyla incelenmiş-tir.
Classical texts contain the emotions, thoughts and experiences filtered through the common memory of the society. Therefore, the hero placed at the center of these texts opens his eyes to a chaotic world and tries to make sense of his life adventure to discover its essence with the first symbols inherited from common ances-tors. These first symbols, which Jung refers to as archetypes, shed light on the circle of individuation in which the hero unites the arc of existence and extinction. This circle; It is also formulated as separation-initiation-return in masnavis that have similar plots to myths and tales. When Jung's archetypal symbolism is associated with the archetypes of this stage, the chaotic structures lying in the unconscious of the hero in the mesnevi are resolved. Thus, the hero has the opportunity to re-grow his essence, which he has hidden in his inner core, in a higher cons-ciousness. A similar fiction is also included in the masnavi called İskender-nâme, which is decorated with vari-ous allegorical and mythical elements. Ahmedi, one of the important poets of the 14th century, presents the mythical figure Alexander and his surroundings, adorned with rich symbols and images. Alexander responds to the dark call in his unconscious through a dream and thus leaves his living space and takes his first step towards individualization/becoming a perfect human being. In this study, the process of Alexander, the main character of Ahmedî's İskender-nâme, reaching self-consciousness was examined with Jung's psychoanalytic approach, associating it with stage archetypes and mystical perspective.
Classical texts contain the emotions, thoughts and experiences filtered through the common memory of the society. Therefore, the hero placed at the center of these texts opens his eyes to a chaotic world and tries to make sense of his life adventure to discover its essence with the first symbols inherited from common ances-tors. These first symbols, which Jung refers to as archetypes, shed light on the circle of individuation in which the hero unites the arc of existence and extinction. This circle; It is also formulated as separation-initiation-return in masnavis that have similar plots to myths and tales. When Jung's archetypal symbolism is associated with the archetypes of this stage, the chaotic structures lying in the unconscious of the hero in the mesnevi are resolved. Thus, the hero has the opportunity to re-grow his essence, which he has hidden in his inner core, in a higher cons-ciousness. A similar fiction is also included in the masnavi called İskender-nâme, which is decorated with vari-ous allegorical and mythical elements. Ahmedi, one of the important poets of the 14th century, presents the mythical figure Alexander and his surroundings, adorned with rich symbols and images. Alexander responds to the dark call in his unconscious through a dream and thus leaves his living space and takes his first step towards individualization/becoming a perfect human being. In this study, the process of Alexander, the main character of Ahmedî's İskender-nâme, reaching self-consciousness was examined with Jung's psychoanalytic approach, associating it with stage archetypes and mystical perspective.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Arketipsel Sembolizm, İskender-Nâme, Jung, Psikanalitik, Tasavvuf, Archetypal Symbolism, Mysticism, Psychoanalysis
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bozkurt, N. (2023). Ahmedî’nin İskender-Nâme’sinin Jung’un analitik psikoloji yaklaşımı ile incelenmesi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Batman.