Türk ceza hukukunda kıymetli damgada sahtecilik suçu
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Batman Üniversitesi
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İnsanlar birarada yaşamanın bir gereği olarak kendilerine sunulan bazı belge ve kağıtlara güven duyma ihtiyacı
hissetmektedir. Bu güven duygusunun kaynağı kamu idaresi yani Devlettir. Devlet, bazı belge ve kağıtların
basılmasını ya ilk elden kendisi ya da denetimi ve kontrolü altındaki unsurlar aracılığıyla gerçekleştirmektedir.
Bunun nedeni bireylerin bu belge ve kağıtların güvenilir olduğunu bilerek hareket etmesini sağlamak ve bir kamu
güveni ortamı oluşturmaktır. Bu nedenle Devlet, kamu güvenini sağlamak ve korumak amacıyla bu belge ve
kağıtların sahte olarak üretilmesini suç olarak kabul etmekte ve cezalandırmaktadır.Bu sayede sahte olarak
üretilen belge ve kağıtlara güvenerek işlem yapan bireylerin menfaatlerinin korunması ve zararlarının giderilmesi
amaçlanmaktadır. Devlet tarafından koruma altına alınan bu belge ve kağıtların bir kısmı kıymetli damga olarak
isimlendirilmektedir. Kıymetli damga, tam olarak para ya da belge olarak nitelendirilemeyen ancak yasal özellik
itibariyle bu ikisi arasında konumlanmış bir özel kağıttır. Bu nedenle kanun koyucu 5237 Sayılı Türk Ceza
Kanununun Kamu Güvenine Karşı Suçlar başlığı altında kıymetli damgada sahteciliği ayrı bir suç olarak
People feel the need to trust some of the documents and papers presented to them as a necessity of living together. The source of this sense of trust is the public administration, that is, the State.The State carries out the printing of some documents and papers either by itself or through elements under its audit and control. That is because it is necessary for individuals to know that these documents and papers are trustworthy and to establish a public trust environment. For this reason, the State accepts and punishes the criminalization of the production of these documents and papers as fraudulent in order to ensure and protect public confidence. Therefore, it is aimed to eliminate the rights and harms of the interests of individuals who rely on false documents and papers. Some of these documents and papers, which are protected by the State, are called precious stamps. Precious stamp, money or a document cannot be regarded as exactly that, however, is a special paper which is positioned between these two as legal property. For this reason, crime of precious stamps forgery is regulated as a separate crime under the title of Criminal Public Trust in the Turkish Criminal Code numbered 5237. In our work, the crime of precious stamps forgery in will be tried to be evaluated in all aspects.
People feel the need to trust some of the documents and papers presented to them as a necessity of living together. The source of this sense of trust is the public administration, that is, the State.The State carries out the printing of some documents and papers either by itself or through elements under its audit and control. That is because it is necessary for individuals to know that these documents and papers are trustworthy and to establish a public trust environment. For this reason, the State accepts and punishes the criminalization of the production of these documents and papers as fraudulent in order to ensure and protect public confidence. Therefore, it is aimed to eliminate the rights and harms of the interests of individuals who rely on false documents and papers. Some of these documents and papers, which are protected by the State, are called precious stamps. Precious stamp, money or a document cannot be regarded as exactly that, however, is a special paper which is positioned between these two as legal property. For this reason, crime of precious stamps forgery is regulated as a separate crime under the title of Criminal Public Trust in the Turkish Criminal Code numbered 5237. In our work, the crime of precious stamps forgery in will be tried to be evaluated in all aspects.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kıymetli Damga, Sahtecilik, Kamu Güveni, Precious Stamp, Forgery, Public Confidence
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kaya, İ. S., Cengiz, A. (2019). Türk ceza hukukunda kıymetli damgada sahtecilik suçu. Batman Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi, 9 (1), ss. 7-20.