Güneş duvarının performansına etkileyen parametrelerin sayısal ve deneysel olarak incelenmesi
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Batman Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu tez çalışmasında güneş duvarı sisteminin absorban plakasındaki modifikasyonlarla ısıl performans ve ısıl verim etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda Batman Üniversitesi Batı Raman Kampüsünde kurulan prototipin performansına etkileyen parametreler sayısal ve deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Kurulan model düzeneğinde iki farklı birbirinden bağımsız eş ölçülere sahip (2,05m x 1,95m x 2,33 m) 9,31 metreküp hacminde deney odası ve test odası bulunmaktadır. Bu sayede eş zaman ve iklim koşullarında karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Termal bölge tasarımında kullanılan farklı geometrik özellikteki üç absorban plakanın (düz sac, sinüs oluklu 76/18 trapez sac ve 27/200 trapez sac) hız, sıcaklık, ısı akısı, verim, Nusselt ve Rayleigh değerleri mukayese edilmiştir. Bu karşılaştırma parametreleri birebir ölçekte modellenen hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği paket yazılımında da (ANSYS-FLUENT) geçerlemesi yapılarak birbiyle uyumlu olduğu gözlenmiştir. Deneysel çalışmadan elde edilen Nusselt (Nu) sayısına karşılık Rayleigh (Ra), Grashof (Gr), Prandtl (Pr) ve kanal yükseklik/en (H/e) değerleri kullanılarak açık ve kapalı kanallar için literatürde tanımlanan altı farklı model grubundan lineer ve nonlineer eşitlikler MATLAB-R2019b yazılımın eğri uydurma (Curve Fitting) uygulamasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen eşitlikler doğal taşınım da Nusselt hesabı için tanımlanan önceki 18 çalışma ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Hesaplamalar ve çözümlemeler dikey ve paralel levhadaki sabit ısıdaki güneş duvarı modelinde 08:00 ile 18:00 saatleri arasında hesaplanan Rayleigh (Ra) değeri değişimi akış formuna göre Nusselt tahmin değişimleri ifade edilmiştir. Oluşturulan 60 farklı durum için ilk aşamada istatiksel açıdan en iyi uyum modeli oluşturulmuş ikinci aşamada ise ilk eğri uydurmadaki izin verilen katsayı aralıklarında modeller yeniden düzenlenerek literatüre uygun katsayılı eşitlikler geliştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla Rayleigh aralıkları için toplamda 120 farklı matematiksel eşitlik oluşturulmuştur. Geliştirilen toplam eşitliklerin ortalama determinasyon katsayısı değeri 0,9130 seviyesindedir. Tüm bu yapılan analizlerle sistemin performansı arttırılmasına yönelik bulgular elde edilmiştir.
This thesis study aimed the thermal performance and thermal efficiency of the solar wall system by modifications at the absorbent plate. Accordingly, parameters that affect the performance of the prototype in Batman University Batı Raman Campus were numerically and experimentally analyzed. There were two different and independent of each other test room and experiment room with equal dimensions (2.05 m x 1.95 m x 2.33 m) with a volume of 9.31 cubic meter on the model mechanism established. By this means, comparisons at the same time, and climatic conditions were performed. Velocity, temperature, heat flux, efficiency, Nusselt and Rayleigh values of three absorbent plates with different geometric properties (flat sheet, 76/18 trapezoidal sheet with sinus corrugation and 27/200 trapezoidal sheet) used in thermal zone design were compared. It was also observed and confirmed in computational fluid dynamics package software (ANSYS-FLUENT) that those comparison parameters that were modeled at a one-to-one scale were compatible with each other. Linear and nonlinear equalities that are from six different model groups that are defined in literature for open and closed channels by using Rayleigh (Ra), Grashof (Gr), Prandtl (Pr), and H/e values in response to Nusselt (Nu) number of the experimental study were performed in Curve Fitting application of MATLAB-R2019b software. The related equations are compared with the previous 18 studies defined for the Nusselt calculation in natural convection. Calculations and observations were divided into three regions based on Rayleigh (Ra) value change flow form that is computed between 08:00 and 18:00 in constant temperature solar wall model in the vertical and parallel plate to mention more consistent Nusselt estimation changes. In the first stage, the statistically best harmonic model was established for 24 different situations; in the second stage, models that are in permitted coefficient ranges in the first curve fitting were rearranged to developed equalities with coefficients fir for literature. This is because there were established 48 different mathematical equalities for four different Rayleigh ranges. The average determination coefficient of the developed total equations is at the level of 0.9130. Findings toward increasing the system performance were obtained via all these analyses
This thesis study aimed the thermal performance and thermal efficiency of the solar wall system by modifications at the absorbent plate. Accordingly, parameters that affect the performance of the prototype in Batman University Batı Raman Campus were numerically and experimentally analyzed. There were two different and independent of each other test room and experiment room with equal dimensions (2.05 m x 1.95 m x 2.33 m) with a volume of 9.31 cubic meter on the model mechanism established. By this means, comparisons at the same time, and climatic conditions were performed. Velocity, temperature, heat flux, efficiency, Nusselt and Rayleigh values of three absorbent plates with different geometric properties (flat sheet, 76/18 trapezoidal sheet with sinus corrugation and 27/200 trapezoidal sheet) used in thermal zone design were compared. It was also observed and confirmed in computational fluid dynamics package software (ANSYS-FLUENT) that those comparison parameters that were modeled at a one-to-one scale were compatible with each other. Linear and nonlinear equalities that are from six different model groups that are defined in literature for open and closed channels by using Rayleigh (Ra), Grashof (Gr), Prandtl (Pr), and H/e values in response to Nusselt (Nu) number of the experimental study were performed in Curve Fitting application of MATLAB-R2019b software. The related equations are compared with the previous 18 studies defined for the Nusselt calculation in natural convection. Calculations and observations were divided into three regions based on Rayleigh (Ra) value change flow form that is computed between 08:00 and 18:00 in constant temperature solar wall model in the vertical and parallel plate to mention more consistent Nusselt estimation changes. In the first stage, the statistically best harmonic model was established for 24 different situations; in the second stage, models that are in permitted coefficient ranges in the first curve fitting were rearranged to developed equalities with coefficients fir for literature. This is because there were established 48 different mathematical equalities for four different Rayleigh ranges. The average determination coefficient of the developed total equations is at the level of 0.9130. Findings toward increasing the system performance were obtained via all these analyses
Bu tez çalışması BATÜ-BAP tarafından BTUBAP-2018-DOKTORA-18.015’nolu proje ile desteklenmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Güneş Duvarı, Enerji Verimliliği, Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği, Nusselt, Bina, Solar Wall, Energy Efficiency, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Nusselt, Structure
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kallioglu, M.A. (2021). Güneş duvarının performansına etkileyen parametrelerin sayısal ve deneysel olarak incelenmesi. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Batman Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Batman.