11 numaralı Mora ahkâm defteri’nin transkripsiyonu ve değerlendirilmesi
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Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışma, 11 Numaralı Mora Ahkâm Defteri, H. (1189-1212) / M. (1775-1797) tarihleri arası dönemi kapsayan hükümlerin transkripsiyonu, özeti ve değerlendirilmesinden oluşmaktadır. Bu Ahkâm Defteri’nden hareketle, 18.yüzyılın son çeyreğinde Osmanlı ve Venedik’in birbirlerine karşı özellikle siyasi, iktisadi ve diplomatik alanlarda nasıl politikalar yürüttükleri hususunda inceleme yapılmıştır. Söz konusu çalışmada, 1718 Pasarofça Antlaşması'nda sağlanan sulh ile beraber devam eden siyasi (diplomatik), ticari, balyos ve konsolosların statüleri, tüccar ve müste’minlerin hak ve muafiyetleri, korsanlık, eşkıyalık ve haksız gasp sorunları, kişiler arasındaki borç, alacak verecek meseleleri, deniz hukuku ve sınır ihlalleri, hak ve sorumlulukları ahidnâme ile güvence altına alınmış diğer Venediklilerin durumları ile mahkeme davalarında ve çözümünde adalet mekanizmasının işlerliği konuları yer almaktadır. Çalışmanın esas kaynağı, incelemeye alınan 11 Numaralı Mora Ahkâm Defteri’nin H. (1189-1212) / M. (1775-1797) tarihleri arasındaki dönemi kapsayan hükümleridir. Asıl problematiğimiz, XVIII. yüzyılda Osmanlı ile Venedik’in Doğu Akdeniz (Levant)' de etkili güç olma mücadelesinde hangi faktör, yol ve yöntemlere başvurdukları ve bunları nasıl kullandıklarıdır. Bu bağlamda, 18. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde Osmanlı ile Venedik siyasi ve ticari ilişkilerinde, balyos ve konsolosların diplomatik misyonları incelenmiş, Osmanlı Devleti’nde gümrük sistemi, ahidnâme politikası ve millet sistemi açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
This study consists of the transcription, summary and evaluation of the provisions of the Mora Ahkam Book No. 11, covering the period between H. (1189-1212) / M. (1775-1797). Based on this Ahkam Book, an examination was made of how the Ottomans and Venice implemented policies against each other, especially in the political, economic and diplomatic fields, in the last quarter of the 18th century. The study in question includes the political (diplomatic), commercial, status of bailos and consuls, rights and exemptions of merchants and musta’mins, problems of piracy, banditry and unjust usurpation, debt and receivables between individuals, maritime law and border violations, the status of other Venetians whose rights and responsibilities were secured by ahidnâme, and the functioning of the justice mechanism in court cases and their resolution. The main source of the study is the provisions of the Mora Ahkam Defteri No. 11, which is examined and covers the period between H. (1189-1212) / M. (1775-1797). Our main problematic is which factors, ways and methods the Ottomans and Venice resorted to in the struggle to become effective powers in the Mediterranean in the 18th century and how they used them. In this context, the diplomatic missions of the bailos and consuls in the political and commercial relations between the Ottoman Empire and Venice in the last quarter of the 18th century were examined, and the customs system, the ahidnâme policy and the millet system in the Ottoman Empire were tried to be explained.
This study consists of the transcription, summary and evaluation of the provisions of the Mora Ahkam Book No. 11, covering the period between H. (1189-1212) / M. (1775-1797). Based on this Ahkam Book, an examination was made of how the Ottomans and Venice implemented policies against each other, especially in the political, economic and diplomatic fields, in the last quarter of the 18th century. The study in question includes the political (diplomatic), commercial, status of bailos and consuls, rights and exemptions of merchants and musta’mins, problems of piracy, banditry and unjust usurpation, debt and receivables between individuals, maritime law and border violations, the status of other Venetians whose rights and responsibilities were secured by ahidnâme, and the functioning of the justice mechanism in court cases and their resolution. The main source of the study is the provisions of the Mora Ahkam Defteri No. 11, which is examined and covers the period between H. (1189-1212) / M. (1775-1797). Our main problematic is which factors, ways and methods the Ottomans and Venice resorted to in the struggle to become effective powers in the Mediterranean in the 18th century and how they used them. In this context, the diplomatic missions of the bailos and consuls in the political and commercial relations between the Ottoman Empire and Venice in the last quarter of the 18th century were examined, and the customs system, the ahidnâme policy and the millet system in the Ottoman Empire were tried to be explained.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ahidnâme, Mora Ahkam, Osmanlı, 18.yüzyıl, Siyaset, Ticaret, Venedik, Ottoman, 18th Century, Politics, Trade, Venice
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Adlim, K. (2025). 11 numaralı Mora ahkâm defteri’nin transkripsiyonu ve değerlendirilmesi. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Batman Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Batman.