İngiliz arşiv belgelerine göre Yunan Ordusu’nun İzmir’e çıkması ve işgale ilişkin tanıklıklar
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Osmanlı Devleti I. Dünya Savaşı’nın sonunda Mondros Mütarekesini imzaladı.
İzmir’in işgali 1919 Şubat’ında Yunan Başbakan Venizelos’un önerisiyle İngiltere Başbakanı
Lloyd George tarafından ortaya atılmıştı. 28 Mart 1919’da İtalyanlar Antalya’yı işgal
etti. İngiltere Başbakanı Lloyd George, İtalya’nın bu işgali karşısında Batı Anadolu’yu
tamamen ele geçirebileceğini düşündü. İngiltere, Fransa ve ABD anlaşarak 6 Mayıs 1919’da
Yunanistan’ın İzmir’e çıkmasına karar verdi. Şehrin Yunanlılar tarafından işgal edileceği
haberi kamuoyunda büyük yankı uyandırdı. Bu tehlike İzmir halkını derin bir acıya boğdu.
Yunanistan 15 Mayıs 1919’da İtilaf Devletleri adına ve onların korumasında İzmir’i işgal etti.
İşgal öncesinde ve sonrasında limanda İtilaf donanmasının yanı sıra ABD’ye ait gemiler de
hazır bulundu. İşgal, Mondros Mütarekesi’nin 7. Maddesi’ndeki esaslara yani müttefiklerin
güvenliklerine tehdit gelecek durumda herhangi stratejik bir yeri işgal etme hakkına göre
gerçekleştirilmişti. Oysa İzmir’de müttefik devletlerin güvenliklerini sarsacak bir durum
meydana gelmediği açıktı. Şehirde müttefiklere karşı bir örgütlenme olmadığı gibi herhangi
bir olay da yaşanmamıştı. Fakat İtilâf Devletleri Mondros Mütarekesi’ni “keyfi” yorumlayarak
yapmak istediklerini uygulamayı tercih etti. Yunan askerinin İzmir’e çıkmasıyla birlikte yerli
Rumlar, Yunanistan bayrakları taşıyarak gösteri ve taşkınlıklara başladı. Bunlar yapılırken
asıl amaç Türkleri kışkırtmak, karışıklıklar çıkartmak ve böylece şehri tamamen Yunanistan’a
teslim etmekti. İşgal sonucu ortaya çıkan gelişmeleri İtilaf Devletleri’nin İstanbul ve İzmir’deki
temsilcileri yakından takip etmekteydi. Bu arada işgal bölgelerini genişleten Yunanlılar, Batı
Anadolu’da yerleşme yolunda girişimler başlattı. Böylece şehir büyük savaştan sonra Yunan
işgalinin de bütün acılarını yaşamaya başladı. Bu çalışmada İngiliz arşiv belgeleri ışığında
tanıklarının gözlemleri doğrultusunda İzmir’in Yunan ordusu tarafından işgali, Türklerin
işgal karşısındaki tavrı, Yunan askeri ve yerli Rumların işbirliği ile gerçekleşen şiddet ve
katliamlar, yağma ve hırsızlıklar İngiliz, Amerikalı, İsveç ve Kanadalı yetkililerin gözünden
ortaya konulacaktır.
The Ottoman Empire signed the Mudros Armistice Agreement at the end of World War I. The occupation idea of İzmir in February 1919 was put forward by British Prime Minister Lloyd George by the suggestion of Greek Prime Minister Elefterios Venizelos. On March 28, 1919, the Italians invaded Antalya. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, thought that they could take over Western Anatolia in the face of this occupation of Italy. Then, Great Britain come to an agreement with France and USA on May 6, 1919 and decided for the arrival of Greece to Izmir. The news that the city will be occupied by the Greeks caused great public reaction. This danger was agonizing for the people of Izmir. On May 15, 1919, Greece occupied Izmir on behalf of and under the umbrella of the Allied Powers. Before and after this occupation, in addition to the fleet of the allied powers, the vessels belonging to the USA were also ready. The occupation was carried out according to the Article 7 of the Mudros Armistice Agreement, which specified that this is the right to occupy any strategic location in the event of a threat against the security of the allies. However, it was clear that there was no situation in Izmir that would shake the security of the Allied Powers. There was no organization against the allies in the city as well as no incident has occurred. However, the Allied Powers arbitrarily interpreted the Mondros Armistice Agreement and did whatever they desired. With the arrival of Greece troops to Izmir, the native Greeks carried the flags of Greece and started demonstrations and outbreaks. When these were done, the main purpose was to incite the Turks, to create confusion, and thus to have the city completely annexed by Greece. The developments that occurred after the occupation were closely followed by the representatives of the allied powers located in Istanbul and Izmir. In the meantime, the Greece, who expanded the occupation territories, initiated attempts to settle in western Anatolia. So the city began to experience all pains of the Greece occupation after the Great War. In this study, occupation of Izmir by the Greece army, attitude of the Turks against the occupation, violence and massacres occurred with the cooperation of Greece soldiers and native Greeks, lootings and robberies will be set forth from the perspectives of British, American, Swedish and Canadian officials in the light of the British archive documents and in line with the observations of the witnesses.
The Ottoman Empire signed the Mudros Armistice Agreement at the end of World War I. The occupation idea of İzmir in February 1919 was put forward by British Prime Minister Lloyd George by the suggestion of Greek Prime Minister Elefterios Venizelos. On March 28, 1919, the Italians invaded Antalya. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, thought that they could take over Western Anatolia in the face of this occupation of Italy. Then, Great Britain come to an agreement with France and USA on May 6, 1919 and decided for the arrival of Greece to Izmir. The news that the city will be occupied by the Greeks caused great public reaction. This danger was agonizing for the people of Izmir. On May 15, 1919, Greece occupied Izmir on behalf of and under the umbrella of the Allied Powers. Before and after this occupation, in addition to the fleet of the allied powers, the vessels belonging to the USA were also ready. The occupation was carried out according to the Article 7 of the Mudros Armistice Agreement, which specified that this is the right to occupy any strategic location in the event of a threat against the security of the allies. However, it was clear that there was no situation in Izmir that would shake the security of the Allied Powers. There was no organization against the allies in the city as well as no incident has occurred. However, the Allied Powers arbitrarily interpreted the Mondros Armistice Agreement and did whatever they desired. With the arrival of Greece troops to Izmir, the native Greeks carried the flags of Greece and started demonstrations and outbreaks. When these were done, the main purpose was to incite the Turks, to create confusion, and thus to have the city completely annexed by Greece. The developments that occurred after the occupation were closely followed by the representatives of the allied powers located in Istanbul and Izmir. In the meantime, the Greece, who expanded the occupation territories, initiated attempts to settle in western Anatolia. So the city began to experience all pains of the Greece occupation after the Great War. In this study, occupation of Izmir by the Greece army, attitude of the Turks against the occupation, violence and massacres occurred with the cooperation of Greece soldiers and native Greeks, lootings and robberies will be set forth from the perspectives of British, American, Swedish and Canadian officials in the light of the British archive documents and in line with the observations of the witnesses.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İzmir, İşgal, Yunanistan, Rum, Yağma, Katliam, Occupation, Greece, Greek, Looting, Massacre
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özel Sayı
Turan, O. (2018). İngiliz arşiv belgelerine göre Yunan Ordusu’nun İzmir’e çıkması ve işgale ilişkin tanıklıklar. Çağdaş Türkiye Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, XVIII (Özel Sayı), ss.103-126.