Osmanlı kelâm geleneğinde İbn Kemâl ve Mehmed Birgivî
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Batman Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmanın amacı 16. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Devleti’nin önemli âlimlerinden
İbn Kemâl ve Mehmed Birgivî’nin İlahiyat, nübüvvet, semiyyat ve insan hakkındaki görüşlerini karşılaştırmalı biçimde ortaya koymaktır. İki âlimin görüşlerinin –
imkânlar dâhilinde- kendi kaynaklarından incelendiği bu çalışmada, 16. Yüzyıl
itibariyle ilmî çalışmaların ileri düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Bu asırda siyasi
olarak yeni toprakların fethi, iç isyanlar ve Şiî propagandası öne çıkmıştır. 16. Yüzyıl Osman Devleti’nde İbn Kemâl ve İmam Birgivî dikkat çeken iki özgün isimdir.
İbn Kemâl, felsefî tahlilleri ile Osmanlı kelâm geleneğinde felsefî kelâmın önemli
temsilcisi durumundadır. Ayrıca devletin üst kademelerinde görev almış bir bürokrat kimliğine sahip olmasının da etkisiyle olmalı, yaşadığı dönemde Şiî propagandasına karşı mücadele için risâleler yazmış ve ortaya koyduğu düşünceyle Sünnî
i’tikâd lehinde çabalamıştır. Birgivî ise daha çok akaide dair öğütler niteliğindeki
risaleleri ile halkın inanç dünyasındaki tahrifata ve tasavvuf ehlindeki kimi sapmalara engel olmaya çalışmıştır. Onun dinî anlamda öze dönüş şeklindeki görüşleri
Selefilikle ilişkilendirilmesine neden olmuştur. İbn Kemâl ve Birgivî’nin yöntemleri
farklı olsa da her ikisinin de Hanefî-Mâtürîdî merkezli Sünnî inancın temsilcileri
olduğu görülmektedir.
The aim of this study is to present the theoretical views of Ibn Kemal and Mehmed Birgivî, scholars in the Ottoman Empire, in a 16th century. The views of the two scholars were analyzed from their own sources within the bounds of possibility. As of the 16th century, it was seen that scientific studies were at an advanced level. In this century, the political conquest of new lands, internal revolts and Shi'ite propaganda came to the fore. In the 16th century, many scholars were raised in the Ottoman world of science. During this period, Ibn Kemâl and İmam Birgivî are two distinct names. Since Ibn Kemâl was in the state service, he contributed to the preservation of Sunni thought with his treatises and fatwas against Shiite propaganda, which was intense at that time. With his philosophical analysis, Ibn Kemal is an important representative of philosophical theology in the Ottoman theological tradition. On the other hand Birgivî, tried to prevent distortions in the belief world of the people and some deviations in Sufism with his treatises, which were mostly advices about the belief. It does not seem appropriate to associate him with Salafism because of his struggle with bidah and superstitions. For, the Ahl alSunnah has fought a strong intellectual struggle against bid’at and superstitions in every period of history. Although Ibn Kemal and Birgivî have different opinions on some issues, we can say that they are both representatives of the Sunni belief centered on Hanafi-Mâtürîdî
The aim of this study is to present the theoretical views of Ibn Kemal and Mehmed Birgivî, scholars in the Ottoman Empire, in a 16th century. The views of the two scholars were analyzed from their own sources within the bounds of possibility. As of the 16th century, it was seen that scientific studies were at an advanced level. In this century, the political conquest of new lands, internal revolts and Shi'ite propaganda came to the fore. In the 16th century, many scholars were raised in the Ottoman world of science. During this period, Ibn Kemâl and İmam Birgivî are two distinct names. Since Ibn Kemâl was in the state service, he contributed to the preservation of Sunni thought with his treatises and fatwas against Shiite propaganda, which was intense at that time. With his philosophical analysis, Ibn Kemal is an important representative of philosophical theology in the Ottoman theological tradition. On the other hand Birgivî, tried to prevent distortions in the belief world of the people and some deviations in Sufism with his treatises, which were mostly advices about the belief. It does not seem appropriate to associate him with Salafism because of his struggle with bidah and superstitions. For, the Ahl alSunnah has fought a strong intellectual struggle against bid’at and superstitions in every period of history. Although Ibn Kemal and Birgivî have different opinions on some issues, we can say that they are both representatives of the Sunni belief centered on Hanafi-Mâtürîdî
Bu makale Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsünde 2018 yılında tamamlanan ve Doç. Dr. Mustafa ÜNVERDİ danışmanlığında Şeyma İLBAYLI tarafından hazırlanan “Osmanlı Devleti XVI. yüzyıl kelamcıları -İbn Kemâl, Taşköprülüzâde ve Birgivî örneği-“ adlı yüksek lisans tezinden yararlanılarak hazırlanmıştır
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kelâm, Osmanlı, İbn Kemâl, Kemâlpaşazâde, Birgivî, 16. Yüzyıl, Theology, Ottoman, Ibn Kamâl, Kamalpasazade
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ünverdi, M., İlbaylı, Ş. (2021). Osmanlı kelâm geleneğinde İbn Kemâl ve Mehmed Birgivî. Batman Akademi Dergisi, 5 (1), ss. 43-72.