Bir Türk aydınının Avrupa emperyalizmine tepkisi: Mehmet Akif Ersoy
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Mehmet Akif’in yaşadığı devir Avrupa emperyalizminin dünyayı en acımasız yöntemlerle
sömürme çabalarının doruk noktasına çıktığı döneme denk gelir. Emperyalist mücadelede
rekabet kızışmış, Osmanlı Devleti büyük güçlerin en önemli hedeflerinden birini teşkil etmiştir.
Mehmet Akif işte böyle bir dönemde Avrupa’nın hümanist söylemlerinin uygulamalarıyla
örtüşmediğini dünyaya haykıran bir Türk aydını olarak belirir. Osmanlı Devleti’nde
emperyalizmin hedefleri konusunda ilk uyanan aydınlardan biridir. Avrupalı devletlerin
politikalarını güçlü bir tarih şuuruyla doğru tahlil etmiştir. Avrupa merkezli sömürü düzeninin
Müslümanlar ve Osmanlı Devleti için ne anlama geldiğini anlatmak için çırpınmıştır. Öyle ki
vaazlarında, şiirlerinde, neredeyse her konuşmasında milletini uyarmayı görev bilmiştir.
Özellikle kavmiyetçiliğin Müslümanları iflah olmaz bir yola sürüklediğini, eğer erken
uyanılmazsa bunun sonunun ölüm olacağını ve geri dönüş imkânının kalmayacağını ifade
etmiştir. Bu endişeleri dile getirdikten sonra birlikte hareket etmek için hala geç kalınmadığını
vurgulamıştır. II. Meşrutiyet, Balkan Savaşı, Birinci Dünya Savaşı ve Milli Mücadele dönemi
yazıları, vaazları çoğu defa bu uyarılarla doludur. Emperyalizmle mücadelenin çok çalışmayla,
birlik ve beraberlikle mümkün olacağını sürekli olarak dile getirmiştir. Özellikle Sevr
Antlaşması’yla Türk milletini nelerin beklediğini anlatmış, bu konuda bir bilinç oluşturmaya
çalışmıştır. Mehmet Akif emperyalizme karşı milletinin sesi, kalemi olmuş, belki de binlerce
kılıcın yapamayacağını bir kalemde yaparak milletini Avrupa’nın emperyalist hedeflerine karşı
ruhen birleştirmeyi başarabilmiş ve Milli Mücadele’nin manevi lideri olarak anılmayı hak
etmiştir. Şair, emperyalizme ya da “medeniyete(!)” karşı öfke doludur. Bu öfke Avrupa’nın
bilimine, teknolojisine karşı değil; medeniyet kavramını kullanarak başka milletlere en vahşi
uygulamaları reva görmelerinedir. Kısacası medeniyet söylemlerinin arkasına saklanılarak
uygulanan ikiyüzlülüğedir. Bu çalışmada; Mehmet Akif Ersoy’un Avrupa emperyalizmine
karşı kalemiyle, söylemiyle ve hareketleriyle tepkisi üzerinde durulacaktır.
Mehmet Akif's period coincided with the period when European imperialism tried to exploit the world in the most ruthless ways. Competition in the imperialist struggle escalated and the Ottoman Empire became one of the most important targets of the great powers. In such a period, Mehmet Akif appeared as a Turkish intellectual crying out to the world that Europe's humanist discourses did not coincide with their practices. He was one of the first intellectuals to awaken the goals of imperialism in the Ottoman Empire. He had analyzed the policies of the European states with a strong historical consciousness. He fluttered to tell what the European centered exploitation system meant for Muslims and the Ottoman Empire. So much so that, he had made his mission to warn his nation in his sermons, in poems and almost in every speech. He stated that especially the ethnocentrism led the Muslims to an inconsequential path, if not awakened early it would be death and there would be no possibility of return. After expressing these concerns, he emphasized that it was still not too late to act together. II. Constitutionalism, the Balkan War, the First World War and his writings and the sermons of the National Struggle period were often filled with these warnings. He repeatedly stated that the struggle against imperialism would be possible through hard work, unity and solidarity. He, in particular with the Treaty of Sevres, explained what awaited the Turkish nation and tried to create a consciousness on this issue. Mehmet Akif was the voice and a pen of the nation against imperialism. Mehmet Akif became the voice of the nation against imperialism. He became a pen and had been able to spiritually unite his nation against the imperialist aims of Europe by a pen that maybe thousands of swords couldn't do. He deserved to be remembered as the spiritual leader of the National Struggle. The poet is full of anger against imperialism or “civilization (!)”.This anger is not against Europe's science and technology; this anger is due to the fact that they use the concept of civilization to do the most brutal practices to other nations. In short, it is because of the hypocrisy applied by hiding behind the discourses of civilization. In this study, Mehmet Akif Ersoy's reaction with his pen, his rhetoric, and his actions to European imperialism will be emphasized.
Mehmet Akif's period coincided with the period when European imperialism tried to exploit the world in the most ruthless ways. Competition in the imperialist struggle escalated and the Ottoman Empire became one of the most important targets of the great powers. In such a period, Mehmet Akif appeared as a Turkish intellectual crying out to the world that Europe's humanist discourses did not coincide with their practices. He was one of the first intellectuals to awaken the goals of imperialism in the Ottoman Empire. He had analyzed the policies of the European states with a strong historical consciousness. He fluttered to tell what the European centered exploitation system meant for Muslims and the Ottoman Empire. So much so that, he had made his mission to warn his nation in his sermons, in poems and almost in every speech. He stated that especially the ethnocentrism led the Muslims to an inconsequential path, if not awakened early it would be death and there would be no possibility of return. After expressing these concerns, he emphasized that it was still not too late to act together. II. Constitutionalism, the Balkan War, the First World War and his writings and the sermons of the National Struggle period were often filled with these warnings. He repeatedly stated that the struggle against imperialism would be possible through hard work, unity and solidarity. He, in particular with the Treaty of Sevres, explained what awaited the Turkish nation and tried to create a consciousness on this issue. Mehmet Akif was the voice and a pen of the nation against imperialism. Mehmet Akif became the voice of the nation against imperialism. He became a pen and had been able to spiritually unite his nation against the imperialist aims of Europe by a pen that maybe thousands of swords couldn't do. He deserved to be remembered as the spiritual leader of the National Struggle. The poet is full of anger against imperialism or “civilization (!)”.This anger is not against Europe's science and technology; this anger is due to the fact that they use the concept of civilization to do the most brutal practices to other nations. In short, it is because of the hypocrisy applied by hiding behind the discourses of civilization. In this study, Mehmet Akif Ersoy's reaction with his pen, his rhetoric, and his actions to European imperialism will be emphasized.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mehmet Akif, Emperyalizm, Kavmiyetçilik, Medeniyet, Imperialism, Ethnocentrism, Civilization
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karlangıç, O. (2019). Bir Türk aydınının Avrupa emperyalizmine tepkisi: Mehmet Akif Ersoy. 1. Uluslararası Harran Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongresi, 08-10 Mart 2019, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye