Divan edebiyatı şairlerinden Mümin Paşa (Ahsenî) ve şiirleri
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Batman Üniversitesi
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Divan edebiyatında şiir yazan sayısız şair vardır. Bunların çoğu hakkında edebiyat tarihi için
önem arz eden tezkirelerde bilgi bulunmaktadır. Ancak adı doğrudan tezkirelerde geçmeyen birçok
şairin varlığından diğer kaynaklar vesilesiyle haberdar olunmaktadır. Bu kaynaklardan birini de şiir
mecmuaları oluşturmaktadır. Şiir mecmuaları antolojik ve derleme eser niteliğinde olup barındırdığı
şiir örnekleri ve şairlere ait bilgilerden dolayı edebiyat tarihine doğrudan veya dolaylı kaynaklık
etmektedirler. Çoğu zaman bir mecmuadaki şiiri vasıtasıyla bir şairden haberdar olunmaktadır.
Kaybolmaya yüz tutmuş şairlere ait birçok şiir örneğini barındıran bu mecmuaların sayısı oldukça
fazladır. Şiir mecmualarının incelenmesi, tasniflerinin yapılması, fihristlerinin çıkarılması veyahut bir
şaire ait şiirlerin derlenmesi önemli araştırma alanlarındandır. Tezkirelerde adına rastlanmayan
şairlerden biri de şiir mecmualarında Mümin Paşa künyesiyle tanıtılmaktadır. Şiirlerinde “Ahsenî”
mahlasını kullanan şair hakkında kaynaklarda yeteri kadar bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Bazı mecmualarda
şaire ait olduğu belirtilen şiirlerinden hareketle değerlendirme yazıları yazılmıştır. Kütüphanelerdeki
araştırmalarımız sonucunda tespit ettiğimiz şiir mecmualarında Ahsenî ve şiirleri hakkında önemli
bilgilere ulaşılmıştır. Bu mecmualarda şairin çağdaşı olan şairler ve dönemin önde gelen devlet
adamları hakkında bilgi ile nazire şiirler, onun adına ve/veya ona sunulmuş şiir örnekleri
bulunmaktadır. Farklı şairlerin Mü’min Paşa adına yazdıkları şiir örneklerinden hareketle, şairin
kimliği konusunda bazı bilgilere ulaşılmıştır.
Bu makalede şair hakkında açıklamalarda bulunulup şiir örnekleri sunulacaktır. Şiirlerindeki içerikten
hareketle Mümin Paşa’nın şair çevresi ve şiir sanatı hakkında değerlendirmeler yapılacaktır.
There are countless poets who wrote poetry in Divan literature. There is information about most of them in biographies that are important for the history of literature. However, the existence of many poets whose names are not directly mentioned in biographies is known through other literary history sources. One of these sources are poetry magazines. Poetry magazines are anthological and compilation works, and they are a direct or indirect source for the history of literature due to the poetry examples and information about the poets. Most of the time, one is informed about a poet through his poetry in a magazine. The number of these magazines, which contain many examples of poems belonging to poets who are on the verge of disappearing, is quite high. Examination of poetry magazines, making their classification, making indexes or compiling poems belonging to a poet are important research areas. One of the poets, whose name is not found in the biographies, is introduced with the title of Mümin Pasha in poetry magazines. Based on the poems that are stated to belong to the poet, introductory reviews of the poet were written. Important information about Ahseni and his poems was obtained in the poetry magazines that we determined as a result of our research in the libraries. In these magazines, there are information about the poets who were contemporary of the poet and the leading statesmen of the period, as well as nazire (poems in the same pattern and style)poems, written on his behalf and/or dedicated to him. Based on the examples of poems written by different poets for Mümin Pasha, some information about his identity has been obtained. In this article, explanations about the poet will be made and examples of poetry will be presented. Based on the content of his poems, evaluations will be made about Mümin Pasha's poet circle, his poetry and literary personality.
There are countless poets who wrote poetry in Divan literature. There is information about most of them in biographies that are important for the history of literature. However, the existence of many poets whose names are not directly mentioned in biographies is known through other literary history sources. One of these sources are poetry magazines. Poetry magazines are anthological and compilation works, and they are a direct or indirect source for the history of literature due to the poetry examples and information about the poets. Most of the time, one is informed about a poet through his poetry in a magazine. The number of these magazines, which contain many examples of poems belonging to poets who are on the verge of disappearing, is quite high. Examination of poetry magazines, making their classification, making indexes or compiling poems belonging to a poet are important research areas. One of the poets, whose name is not found in the biographies, is introduced with the title of Mümin Pasha in poetry magazines. Based on the poems that are stated to belong to the poet, introductory reviews of the poet were written. Important information about Ahseni and his poems was obtained in the poetry magazines that we determined as a result of our research in the libraries. In these magazines, there are information about the poets who were contemporary of the poet and the leading statesmen of the period, as well as nazire (poems in the same pattern and style)poems, written on his behalf and/or dedicated to him. Based on the examples of poems written by different poets for Mümin Pasha, some information about his identity has been obtained. In this article, explanations about the poet will be made and examples of poetry will be presented. Based on the content of his poems, evaluations will be made about Mümin Pasha's poet circle, his poetry and literary personality.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Divan Edebiyatı, Mümin Paşa, Ahseni, Şiir Mecmuası, Şiir, Divan Literature, Mümin Pasha, Poetry Magazine, Poetry
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
İçli, A. (2021). Divan edebiyatı şairlerinden Mümin Paşa (Ahsenî) ve şiirleri. Batman Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi, 11 (2), ss.24-63.