Milli Mücadelede önemli bir şahsiyset: Ali Saip Ursavaş
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Turkish Studies
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Milli Mücadele’nin önemli kahramanlarından biri olan Ali Saip,
Urfa’nın savunulması sırasında göstermiş olduğu başarıları nedeniyle,
Mustafa Kemal Paşa tarafından Urfa Savaşçısı anlamındaki Ursavaş
soyadı verilmiş, İstiklal Madalyası’na sahip olan önemli şahsiyetler
arasında yer almaktadır. Milli Mücadele’nin askeri safhası sonrası, diğer
arkadaşları gibi siyaset arenasına girmiş, Urfa ve Kozan milletvekilliği
yapmıştır. Ayrıca Konya İstiklal Mahkemesi başkanlığı yaparken, Şeyh
Said’in yargılanması sırasında İstiklal Mahkemesi Üyesi olarak da
önemli kararlara imza atmıştır.
Bu çalışmada, Ali Saip Ursavaş’ın kısa bir biyografisi tahlil
edilmeyi amaçlanmış ve onun siyasal hayatının yanı sıra, bürokratik
faaliyetlerine yer verilerek doğrudan tahlil edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Zira
Ursavaş, yaşadığı dönemde birçok suçlamalarla karşılaşmış, bu
suçlamalar günümüze kadar ulaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada Ursavaş’ın
karşılaştığı suçlamaları, dönemin önemli kaynaklarına yer verilerek
aydınlatılması esas amaç olacaktır. Diğer taraftan Ursavaş’ın siyasi bir
kimlik olarak, yeni kurulmuş olan Türk Devleti’nin Doğu ve Güneydoğu
Anadolu Bölgesi’ndeki uygulamalarına yardımcı olacak bir aktör olarak,
edinmiş olduğu izlenimler de bu çalışmada yer alacaktır.
Çalışmanın son kısmında Atatürk’e yapılan suikasta ismi geçen
Ali Saip Ursavaş, siyasi olarak gözden düşmüş, her ne kadar kendini
aklamaya çalıştıysa da bunda başarılı olamamıştır. Bundan sonraki
yaşamında gözden düşen Milli Mücadele kahramanının yaşamı da bu
makalenin son kısmında verilmeye çalışılacaktır.
Ali Saip, one of the most significant heroes of the war of independence, who is considered as one of the important personalities that were awarded war of independence medal was given the surname Ursavaş which means “The Warrior of Urfa” as an appriciation for the success he performed during defending Urfa. After the military phase of the War of Independence, he participated in the world of politics as his other friends by being elected member of parliament representing the regions of Urfa and Kozan. During his Presidency of Independence Tribunal of Konya, he also put his signature under serious decisions on Sheikh Said’s trial as a member of Independence Court. This study is aspired to analyse a short biography of Ali Saip Ursavaş and then to analyse his life directly by mentioning his bureaucratic activities besides his political life. Because, Ursavaş had to face with many accusations in his time which passed through time and reached today. This study is predicated upon straightening the accusations Ursavaş had to face with by mentioning the important resources back in his time. On the other hand, the impressions that he gained will take place in this study; as an actor who was a help to the applications in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia region done by the Turkish State that was recently founded. In the last part of the study: Ali Saip Ursavaş had fallen from grace; he was unsuccessful despite the fact that he so much tried to absolve. The life of a hero of the War of Independenc
Ali Saip, one of the most significant heroes of the war of independence, who is considered as one of the important personalities that were awarded war of independence medal was given the surname Ursavaş which means “The Warrior of Urfa” as an appriciation for the success he performed during defending Urfa. After the military phase of the War of Independence, he participated in the world of politics as his other friends by being elected member of parliament representing the regions of Urfa and Kozan. During his Presidency of Independence Tribunal of Konya, he also put his signature under serious decisions on Sheikh Said’s trial as a member of Independence Court. This study is aspired to analyse a short biography of Ali Saip Ursavaş and then to analyse his life directly by mentioning his bureaucratic activities besides his political life. Because, Ursavaş had to face with many accusations in his time which passed through time and reached today. This study is predicated upon straightening the accusations Ursavaş had to face with by mentioning the important resources back in his time. On the other hand, the impressions that he gained will take place in this study; as an actor who was a help to the applications in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia region done by the Turkish State that was recently founded. In the last part of the study: Ali Saip Ursavaş had fallen from grace; he was unsuccessful despite the fact that he so much tried to absolve. The life of a hero of the War of Independenc
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ali Saip Ursavaş, Milli Mücadele, Şeyh Sait, Mustafa Kemal, Suikast, War of Independence, Sheikh Said, Assassination
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
İlyas, A. (2015). Milli Mücadelede önemli bir şahsiyset: Ali Saip Ursavaş. Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 10 (9), ss.235-246. DOI: